AC Bus Booking AC Bus Bookings This form must be completed at least ONE WEEK prior to your trip departure day. Program NameCourse NameInstructor NameList the name of the instructor on the field tripTrip Location (s)If more than one location is needed, please indicate all stops required. Number of Buses RequiredDeparture Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Depart from College Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Return Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Depart from Field Site Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Bus to Stay at Field SiteYesNoDo you require the bus/driver to stay with your group for the duration of your field trip? AC Field Trip Sheet Yes No Have you completed the AC Field Trip Sheet? If not, here is the link: Other Notes/InformationIs there anything else you wish to add to this form? CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ