Nothing Better Than Algonquin College Students Showcasing Their Skills

The end of a school year is always special as there are more opportunities for students to showcase what they have learned in their program at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus. In the past few days there has been a lot of talent on display and while we can’t highlight all of the great student activities that have been happening, here are a few examples of how students benefit from the practical learning experiences that the campus delivers.

Urban Forestry - Arboriculture, Tree Climbing Competition, Algonquin College, PembrokeThe Urban Forestry-Arboriculture program is relatively new to the Pembroke Campus, but it is generating a lot of interest among employers in the arborist sector. To the program’s credit, it has reached out to these employers and invited them to observe the skills the students have at their annual tree climbing competition. Watching the students navigate high above the ground in large trees, performing tasks safely and with great confidence, is so much more of an indication of their abilities compared to handing in a resume and participating in an interview. The experience is powerful for both the student and the prospective employer, and very quickly you can see the connections that are made at this competition result in job opportunities for the soon-to-be graduates.

Carpentry and RenovationsStudents in the Carpentry and Renovations Techniques program have also been catching the attention of the community for their work in renovating an older building to accommodate a transition house for homeless people in Pembroke. The century-old home needs a lot of work and the students are essentially gutting it and re-building the inside of the home, by installing new interior walls, insulation, drywall and more. It is a wonderful culminating experience that has allowed the students to pull together all of the skills they have learned over the past several months in their shop classes.

Office Administration - Executive, Changemaker Award, Algonquin College, Pembroke

One more example we will share is our Office Administration-Executive students who recently won a Changemaker Award from the College’s Board of Governors for their work in bringing awareness to social issues in Renfrew County. Each year the students work on a community project that allows them to emphasize the organizational skills they have acquired through their studies. This year they have entitled their project, Raise A Flag, an initiative that shines a spotlight on mental health. It is both a community awareness effort as well as a fundraiser for the Robbie Dean Centre in Pembroke.

As our students look forward to becoming graduates and starting their careers, these demonstrations of what they have learned in their programs remind us of why having a college in our community is so important. It changes lives and helps us build stronger communities.

Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Acting Dean of the Pembroke Waterfront Campus


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