Parents’ & Families’ Newsletter Winter 2018 Edition

The calendar has turned to a new year and there are lots happening at Algonquin College’s Waterfront Campus. Here is a quick update for parents and family members. Enjoy our 2018 parent newsletter winter edition.

Winterfest: February 28th

The winter semester at the Waterfront Campus is underway and recently we’ve had a lot of snow in Pembroke. This will certainly help us as we plan our Winterfest carnival for students on Feb 28th.

WinterfestWinterfest is a fun afternoon and evening for students that will include:

  • Outdoor activities in the snow like snowshoeing, ice sculpting and sliding
  • Loggersports and Action Sports Park Development demos
  • Free lunch for all students
  • Free public skating at the Pembroke Memorial Centre followed by a women’s and men’s student-staff hockey game
  • Free dinner back at the campus where students can enjoy live entertainment.
  • A Career Networking Fair featuring dozens of employers in many sectors.
  • Plus, we will be making a number of draws for some great prizes! All students who participate are eligible.

Yes, we like to give our students free stuff to make their college experience more enjoyable!

More details can be found here >>

Ottawa Valley Speaker Series

Ottawa Valley History: Speaker Series

The theme of our Algonquin College Speakers Series this year is Ottawa Valley history and there are certainly a number of stories to explore, including the Flying Bandit. On March 19, the reporter who broke the story and co-authored a book on the flying bandit, Ed Arnold, will share details of how an American convict escaped from prison and started a new life in Pembroke. Unfortunately, that life made him one of Canada’s most notorious bank robbers. Arnold was the managing editor of the Peterborough Intelligencer newspaper when the string of robberies was occurring. Three of the heists occurred in Peterborough, peaking Arnold’s interest, leading him on a journalistic investigation that led to him uncovering Canada’s most notorious bank robber.

This session will be held in the evening of Monday, March 19 at 7 p.m. at our Waterfront Campus. You can learn more about this presentation on our Speaker Series website >>

Indigenous Culture Celebration

Indigenous Hand DrummingIn partnership with the Circle of Turtle Lodge, we are exploring and celebrating the indigenous culture during the month of March with a variety of activities related to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. The goal of our celebration is to offer the opportunity for our students and employees to learn more about indigenous ways through interactive lunch and learns. Our activities include:

  • Info Fair Celebration Kick-off: March 1, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Commons
  • Algonquin Song Lesson & Drumming Circle: March 8, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Gymnasium
  • Kairos Blanket Exercise: March 14, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Gymnasium
  • Talking Stick Workshop: March 20, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Room 426
  • Talking Circle: March 22, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Gymnasium

Events, Events and More Events!

We have a number of events on campus, both faculty and staff-driven and student organized. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of everything that is happening, which is why we have created the Waterfront Campus Events Calendar >>. Learn more about the fun and academic event opportunities available for our students.

Flu Season Flu Season

With so many students and staff at the Waterfront Campus daily, it is easy for the flu to spread at this time of year. The College offers free flu shots to students through its Health Services office which is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. An appointment is not necessary.

Throughout the campus there are also hand sanitizer stations and our Health Nurse does a great job of promoting the importance of hand washing, particularly at this time of year when the flu and cold season is at its peak.

Mental Health Programs Winter 2018

As we start the new semester, establishing good habits for our health and wellness is really important to continue to be successful. Counselling Services will be providing a number of free programs this semester to help students achieve the best success possible. Some great tips and information can be found in our Mental Health Matters Newsletter >>

  • Is your student STRESSED? ANXIOUS? – Have them check out the Chill Café! A 6-week program to help students with managing stress and anxiety in a more effective way. Thursdays Feb 8-March 22 (excluding Feb 22) from 2-3:30 pm in Room 308. Students can sign up at
  • Does your student need to improve their physical well-being and exercise? They are welcome to join us for snowshoeing, yoga, and walks with Wellness In Nature Days (WIND). We are adding new activities regularly. See our up to date programs at
  • Is your student having challenges with Alcohol or Drugs? What about Eating Challenges? Gaming or on the internet too much? SMART Recovery works to help with various behaviours that can be addictive and helps by teaching skills to overcome these challenges. This is a student-run and for students only program. Thursdays at 4-5:30 pm in Room 216.
  • Positive Space offers a safe space for students to meet with open-minded people and enjoy lunch together – Tuesdays at 12-1pm in Room 308
  • Coffee House Art Space is a weekly opportunity for students to be creative and learn or practice art skills – Mondays from 5-7 in Room 122

March Break Open House

Are you a parent/guardian or spouse of a student starting a program at our campus September 2018? If yes, we invite you to join us on Saturday, March 10, 2018 starting at 9 a.m. for our March Break Open House.

At our Open House, you can:

  • Meet our student services staff and find out more about supports for students. Staff from the following areas will be available to answer your questions: Admissions; Financial Aid; Fee Payment Cashier; Recruiters; Student Success Specialist; Disabilities Counsellor; Housing, and General Information.
  • Attend a variety of 30-minute information sessions
  • Take a tour of our new waterfront campus
  • Enjoy a free Lunch & Learn Session – Q & A: Bring all your questions and our current student panel will answer them
  • Hear directly from current students at our popular student panel
  • Meet some of our faculty from specific programs

Learn more and register now >>

We hope this newsletter has been helpful. Please keep in touch with us and offer us feedback on topics you would like us to cover in future newsletters.

Thank you for being part of your young adult’s post-secondary journey.


Jamie Bramburger
Manager of Community and Student Affairs
Algonquin College Waterfront Campus, Pembroke, ON.


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