Student Experience

Developed For The Nuclear Industry

Algonquin College’s Waterfront Campus in Pembroke began offering its Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety diploma program, formerly Radiation Safety certificate program, in 2008 as a response to the needs of the growing nuclear industry in Canada. The program has been developed in consultation with the nuclear sector to ensure it offers students the training required to work as a radiation protection employee within nuclear generation operations, private companies or lab or research facilities.

Comprehensive Safety Training

Our 2-year Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety program teaches four levels of radiation safety, radiation protection, instrumentation, as well as site assessment and emergency procedures. Students also learn math and science to understand radiation safety applications and detection, and communications, conflict management, computers, and job preparation skills.

Gain Hands-on Experience

Students use radiation protection equipment and clothing to gain hands-on practice in simulated work environment situations. In addition, the program also features an optional paid summer co-op experience in a facility licensed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). To augment student learning, nuclear professionals participate in classroom discussions; as well, students may also have the opportunity to participate in a field trip to a nuclear facility and participate in mock disaster simulations.

Mock Disaster Scenario Training Goals:

  • Set up radiological boundaries for the purposes of control and containment
    • Hot Zone
    • Warm Zone
    • Clean Zone
  • Follow protocols of a radiological incident
    • Lifesaving over-rides containment of contamination
    • If individuals are not injured they must be clean prior to exiting the warm-zone
    • Only individuals who “need” to be in the hot zone are in the hot zone
    • Ensure individuals entering the zone are putting on and taking off PPE as appropriate
    • Ensure communication is clear between RP technicians as well as across professions
  • Control and Containment of radiological sources/contamination
    • Identify location of radiological sources
    • Contain and control source
    • Utilize ALARA practices

Career Options

Graduates of our Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety program are eligible to work in organizations where nuclear radiation levels need to be assessed and monitored. They can also work as part of a larger radiation protection branch or wherever safety training is required for employees who work with nuclear materials. These organizations include nuclear research facilities, power generation plants, educational labs and research facilities, or in private companies where radiopharmaceuticals or radioisotopes are developed, tested, processed, or produced.