August Parents’ & Families’ Newsletter
Posted on Monday, August 31st, 2020
The days are getting shorter and soon the leaves on the trees will be changing colours. Fall is always a wonderful time of the year at and Algonquin College’s Waterfront Campus in Pembroke we are looking forward to starting classes. Whether your student is a new first-year student at our Pembroke Waterfront Campus, or a returning student eager to return to their studies, our fall semester is going to be jam-packed with learning and community building activities!
Our dedicated Parents’ and Families website features links to blogs, interesting articles written by our Student Services staff, and a calendar that notes some important upcoming dates.
Our goal is to keep you informed. While we respect the privacy of our students, the information we will provide in this newsletter will give you a good sense of what is happening on campus and virtually throughout the year and will provide you with enough information to have engaging conversations with your student.
Coronavirus Information – Algonquin College
Algonquin College has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by moving the majority of its programming and services to a virtual learning environment. This has been done with safety in mind for our students and employees. In some cases, programs will be offering in-person instruction where it is necessary and where health and safety protocols have been put in place.
Information on how programs will deliver curriculum in the Fall term has previously been shared with students via email. The next important step for students is to attend their virtual orientation sessions to meet their program coordinator and classmates and to learn more about how the Fall semester will unfold. Parents are encouraged to review the College’s COVID-19 website to stay informed on the College’s approach to teaching and learning during the pandemic. Learn more.
Join Us! Virtual AC Start Orientation 
An opportunity for your student to get ready, get connected, and get excited.
Before classes start on September 8, 2020 encourage your student to participate in their virtual AC Start Orientation on Thursday, September 3 or Friday, September 4 depending on which program your student is enrolled in.
The new student session starts at 8:30 a.m. sharp online. This virtual orientation is very important and we strongly recommend that you encourage your student to make the time to attend so that they can start class on September 8th prepared and confident. We also have a parent orientation session too at 9 a.m. each day!
Campus Services FAQ
We know that you and your student have many questions. Below are some links that will direct you to the answers to your questions in advance of AC Start Orientation:
- Where can students find their booklist and how can they order my textbooks?
- How do students get their student ID card?
- Which support services will be available on-campus and which will be offered virtually this fall?
All of these questions and more can be answered on our FAQ: Campus Services page.
Plus, we have created a helpful Return to Campus web resource to support students as they transition into the Fall Term. We strongly recommend that parents also explore the resources provided:
- Campus Access: Health and safety measures – a guide to being on campus
- Training: Student safety training related to face-to-face activities on campus
- FAQ: Health and Safety: FAQs related to face-to-face activities on campus, including health and safety guidance.
Whether your student is studying 100% remotely this fall or studying with a combination of remote and on-campus program delivery, they have the opportunity to access all of our services. Learn more.
Fall Bursary Application: Aug 24 – Oct 5
The Fall Bursaries are now open for application on the Algonquin College Student Information System (ACSIS) from August 24 to October 5, 2020. Encouraged your student to apply! Learn more.
wespeakstudent.COM: Dental and Health Coverage
If you have dental and health coverage for your student, your student can opt-out of the college’s insurance plan. However, this must be done within the first few weeks of classes. Withdrawing from the insurance program is easy. Your student just has to go onto the insurance plan website and complete a form. The money that was paid to the college for the insurance plan will then be reimbursed into their bank account.
Have your student visit and complete the opt-out form.
5 Quick Tips to Help Your Student During Their First Month at College
Keep in touch if your student has re-located to Pembroke for their college program. Quick texts or phone calls to ask how things are going will help you get a feel for how they are adjusting to college life and their program of study.
- Know what’s happening on campus and virtually. Follow the Pembroke Waterfront Campus on social media so you can have an enriching conversation with them when they connect. We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- For students that are not studying from home, sending them an inspirational card, perhaps with a photo from home is a nice way to surprise them with a motivational message. Nothing says you care like a traditional card that arrives in the mail.
- Help them manage their budget. Managing money may be new to them, so don’t be afraid to ask how they are doing financially. Our Financial Aid Officers are also available to help guide students who are
new to managing their own finances. - Coach your student into applying for our bursaries. Registered students can apply for all bursaries administered by Algonquin College through submitting one application.
Events, Events and More Events!
We have a number of events on campus, both faculty and staff-driven and student organized. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of everything that is happening, which is why we have created the Waterfront Campus Events Calendar.
Learn more about the social and academic event opportunities available for our students.
Mental Wellness Programs
Awareness is key! As your student settles into their new schedules, many are starting to see the need to maintain their mental wellness. We are offering a number of programs to help with that and we encourage them to take part.
Did you know, all Student Support Services staff at the Waterfront Campus are trained in Mental Health First Aid, as well as almost all of our faculty and administrators? Learn More >>
We welcome your feedback on your newsletter for parents and families.
Thank you for being part of your young adult’s post-secondary journey.
Jamie Bramburger
Manager of Community and Student Affairs
Algonquin College Waterfront Campus, Pembroke, ON.
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- Parents