Spring Business Leadership Conference May 21 at Pembroke Waterfront Campus

Maximizing the potential of your employees should be a priority for every business. That’s the focus of the 2020 Spring Business and Leadership Conference scheduled for May 21 at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus.

Now into its sixth Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Algonquin College, Spring Business Conference, Pembrokeyear, the conference supports local organizations by providing high quality and affordable professional development opportunity close to home. This year’s headliner is Doctor Robyne Hanley-Dafoe who will deliver a poignant keynote address on resiliency in the workplace.

As the senior educational developer for the Centre of Teaching and Learning at Trent University in Peterborough, Hanley-Dafoe is a multi-award winning psychology instructor who specializes in navigating stress and change with a focus on personal wellness in the workplace.

Hanley-Dafoe will be joined by five other women in producing the first all-women line-up of presenters in the conference’s history. All will focus on topics that will drive improvement within organizations.

For example, Iman Haasan will provide tips on how to promote health and wellness in the workplace through lessons learned from sports psychology. Hassan is a mental health performance consultant who is also a Sport Performance and Psychology doctoral student at the University of Ottawa.

Colleen Walsh, Algonquin College, Spring Business Conference, PembrokeColleen Walsh has spent more than 20 years helping businesses solve human resources issues. She has entitled her workshop as “The Modern-Day Performance Management Process.” From Walsh’s perspective, there is a lot of discontent with the way employers evaluate employee performance. Her workshop will focus on how to provide constructive criticism that will motivate your employees to build stronger working relationships.

Within a work team, everyone has different responsibilities, but when someone lets the team down it can cause a lot of tension. Victoria Miles is an employee engagement specialist and will deliver a punchy presentation on “Demystifying Accountability,” an interactive workshop that will tackle questions like, what does accountability look like when it’s in action? Most importantly, the session will drill down on why accountability is so important in the workplace and will provide tips on how to introduce it as an employee engagement priority.

Why do so many projects fail? Becky Wright is a certified project manager and will explore the most common reasons why projects don’t succeed. Through group work, Wright will help her audience understand how poor planning is usually to blame and more importantly will delve into what organizations can do to learn from their past failures to plan better.

Erin Blaskie, Algonquin College, Spring Business Conference, PembrokeErin Blaskie is a social media guru, but she’s also a leading entrepreneur. A lover of technology, Blaskie helps entrepreneurs achieve their goals by inspiring them to achieve greatness, while also understanding the pitfalls that often derail entrepreneurs. In her enlightening session, Blaskie will tackle the question of what does it mean to be an entrapreneur within an organization? In answering that question, Blaskie will be promoting the need for more creativity and innovation to drive business growth and build successful teams.

Registration has opened for the conference. Early bird rates of only $210 plus applicable taxes are in place until March 31 and businesses that register three people for the conference will receive the fourth registration free.

Posted by Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Waterfront Campus.


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