Top 5 Reasons to Study at the Pembroke Waterfront Campus

At some point, you may ask, “Why should I go to college?” Here are five reasons to study at our campus:

  1. Police Foundations, Algonquin College, Pembroke CampusWe prepare you for your future career – learn the skills to get the job: Research reveals 86% of college graduates secure employment within six months. College education continues to be an effective and swift route to employment. The provincial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) show that 85.5% of Algonquin College graduates found employment within six months of graduation. “Colleges are experts at helping people find rewarding careers,” said Linda Franklin, the president, and CEO of Colleges Ontario. “Our graduates’ professional and technical expertise will be even more important in the years ahead as new technology and automation create a heightened demand for a more highly qualified workforce.” There’s no question that having a post-secondary credential has become paramount to a person’s ability to progress in the workplace. Increasingly, employers are asking for a minimum of a college certificate or diploma as a starting point to be considered for a job posting. That reality is the primary factor that drives a person’s decision to enroll in a college program.

  2. You’re not just a number – we get to know you: At the Pembroke Waterfront Campus, you’re not just a number – we get to know you, your name, and your goals – your opinion is valued. Our campus feels smaller and homier than others, and we are always here to help. Our Support Services team works together to support you based on interactions with you. The best way that we can support you to achieve success is through planning and collaboration within the College’s support services.

  3. Rafting, Outdoor Adventure, Algonquin College, Pembroke CampusWe offer one-of-a-kind programs – you won’t find anywhere else: We offer a number of truly one-of-a-kind programs, with a strong reputation across Canada and internationally. Our beautiful campus is surrounded by scenic countryside, forests, lakes, and rivers–the perfect location for some of the most exhilarating outdoor training programs on earth. Whether you are interested in building the action sports culture, learning how to preserve the present for the future, or looking to become an outdoor guide, we have the programs and certifications that will guide you toward your dream career! Learn more about our programs.

  4. We’re generous – bursaries help pay your tuition: A bursary is a monetary award that is granted on the basis of financial need. Bursaries are different than scholarships. Scholarships are merit-based and are awarded for academic achievement. Bursaries are financial-need based awards that do not have to be repaid. We have over $250,000 available in bursaries money annually for our Pembroke Campus students. These generous gifts of money from our community members and local businesses are truly appreciated by the students and the College. It helps the college to fulfill its overarching goal of supporting students to be successful in their academic studies and to be career-ready when they graduate. Learn more about

  5. Our small campus provides more opportunity to connect to your professors: Your professors are experts in their chosen field, so they can help you to succeed academically. Whether you need help to answer questions or clarify materials that are covered in class, you have the opportunity to get that extra one-on-one time at our campus. Professors also know people and have many connections, so when it comes time for you to secure a co-op, placement or even a job, they can reach out to companies who are looking for qualified individuals and speak with them on your behalf.

Join us and learn first-hand the advantages of studying at a smaller campus where we offer our students exceptional learning opportunities and a friendly, supportive environment.


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