Class Representative & Wybourn Awards-Application Now Open

The Class Representative and Wybourn Awards application process are now open.

Once again, the Class Representative Award allows for three awards; one for each the Perth, Pembroke and Ottawa campuses. The Wybourn award is awarded to one student from any of the three campuses.

  1. The Wybourn Award is awarded on an annual basis to a Student Leader who has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion and/or upholding of student rights at Algonquin College during the academic year. It consists of a $500 award and an award certificate. The Wybourn Award was created by Algonquin College’s Board of Governors in honour of Dr. Ed Wybourn, the first Dean of Student Affairs.
  2. The Class Representative Award is awarded on an annual basis and is designed to acknowledge and reward a student who is deemed to be the most deserving Class Representative. An award is selected for each of the three Algonquin College campuses (Ottawa, Perth, and Pembroke). It consists of a $500 award and an award certificate.

The submission deadline for both of these awards is Tuesday, March 10th, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.

All nominations are submitted online and the link to the page to obtain information, criteria and the online application form can be found here.

All award winners and a guest are invited to the Volunteer Appreciation Gala at the Woodroffe Campus. This is a lovely event acknowledging and thanking student volunteers. This year the Gala will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2020.


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