Top 10 Survival Tips

We asked some former Pembroke Waterfront Campus, first-year students, what survival tips they thought you would benefit from…some insider info! Here are your Top 10 Survival Tips from fellow student:

  1. Be proactive, surround yourself with positivity – be a star.
  2. Love your program, get involved – don’t be a tourist.
  3. Milk your instructors for their knowledge & expertise – know your learning style.
  4. Go to class, do assigned homework – learn new study habits.
  5. Stay clear of distractions, be focused – commit to a standard.
  6. Know your budget – apply for bursaries.
  7. Tap into available resources – talk to your coordinator or a support services staff member and visit the Students’ Association.
  8. Plan ahead. Your agenda is your bible – use your resources.
  9. Buy a watch, know the time and what you are doing next – be 5 minutes early.
  10. Ask questions, be in the know – read your email daily.



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