Winter opportunities at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus

When considering attending college, most prospective students associate the start of the school year with the fall, but there are also opportunities to begin post-secondary studies in the winter. In fact, Algonquin College leads the Canadian college system in online student registrations, but for students who prefer more traditional face-to-face classroom training, here are some options available this winter at the Pembroke Campus.

Dawn Andrews, Algonquin College, Pembroke Campus

Academic Upgrading offers opportunities for students who are considering enrolling in a full-time college program to pick up pre-requisites that will help them meet admissions requirements. These courses are normally free for Ontario residents and can really help a student prepare for the rigor of post-secondary studies. Some students may have the admission requirements, but they have been removed from formal education for several years, and a refresh of their English, math or science skills can really prepare them for a college program.

Many of the courses offered in Academic Upgrading are available on a continuous intake cycle, meaning students can join classes at any time. This is very convenient for learners and with the help of an academic advisor, the students can carve out a plan that sets them up for a successful college experience.

General Arts and Science, Algonquin College, Pembroke CampusSome students have plans to study in a specific vocational program, but because the program doesn’t start until the fall they enroll in the General Arts and Science program. This can be a very smart move for many students as they can customize their timetable to pick up credits that can be applied to other college programs. This lessens the student’s workload when they enroll in future programs as they have exemptions. Students can also enroll as a part-time student, a tactic often used by junior hockey players who are under consideration for an athletic scholarship at a university.

Personal Support Worker, Algonquin College, Bonnechere Manor, Renfrew

Personal support workers (PSW) are in high demand and Algonquin College is again collaborating with the County of Renfrew to offer a PSW program, beginning in January at Bonnechere Manor in Renfrew. With jobs plentiful in the field, the extra offering will help employers throughout the County meet their labour market needs. Many of these health care organizations have expressed concern over their difficulty in hiring PSWs as there is currently a shortage of these frontline health care workers.

The College is also offering a pre-apprenticeship electrical program at its Pembroke Campus this winter. This six-month program provides students with an opportunity to complete level one of the electrical apprenticeship theory course and includes a paid workplace experience within the electrical field. Pre-apprenticeship programs are free to students but are highly competitive as they draw a significant number of applications.

Finally, high school students can get a head start on college by enrolling in a Dual Credit course. Each year Algonquin College offers several of these courses in the fall and winter terms. A Dual Credit is a college course that high school students can enroll in, and if successful, they can earn both a college and a high school credit. It is a great way for high school seniors to transition to post-secondary education.

More information on all of the options that are available to students this winter can be found on the college website at or by visiting the Pembroke Campus and speaking to an admissions officer. It’s never too early or too late to be planning your educational journey.


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