BOOTH HOUSE-Available June 11, 2024 (room#1,3,4,6,7)

Sept 20, 2023-message below sent and listing made private. SN

  • Hi, I’m the Academic Clerk responsible for maintaining the housing website at Algonquin College. We have Booth house listed, but when I check your website there are no vacancies I can see. I am going to make your listing “Private” for now. Please let me know 3 months in advance of any anticipated vacancies and I will re-publish your listing then with the “AVAILABLE [date]”. In an effort to serve our incoming students better, I will no longer leave postings indefinitely where there are no known vacancies.
  • From now on, regular updates from you via email or phone are appreciated so I can make available rentals known to our students, but hide the listing when no vacancies exist.
  • If you have questions, please call me at the number provided. Thank you. Sandy

Oct 27, 2023-re-posted for Dec 1st at landlords request. Landlord also requested to be added to Student Residence section of website. Will get Jamie’s feedback. SN

Jan 26, 2024-updated listing as landlord sent a new application, and moved it to second position under residence listings. SN

June 11, 2024-reviewed website for available rooms and updated listing accordingly. SN

  • Posted in


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