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Writing a Cover Letter

How to Sell Yourself with a Winning Cover Letter

You need to attach a cover letter to every resume you send out, whether you mail, e-mail, fax or personally deliver it. However, your best not to send out the same cover letter to every employer. Customize each one to the company you’re applying to and the job you’re applying for. Yes, this means a little more work on your part, but think of it this way: The cover letter gives you a chance to point out exactly why you are perfect for this particular job.

Cover letters usually have three parts.

Opening – states your interest in the company and the job. Tells how you found out about the job opening or the company and why you are interested.

Middle – tells the employer what you have to offer the company by highlighting one or two qualifications you think would be of greatest interest. Points out special training or experience you have. Demonstrates that you know something about the company and/or industry.

Closing – expresses your appreciation for the employer’s time and asks him/her to contact you or states that you will follow- up with them.

68 Pine St.
Cooksville, ON P7A 5X3

September 5, 2013

Ms. Holly Peters, Manager
Cool Threads Clothing Store
25 Main St.
Cooksville, ON A1B 2C3

Re: Application for sales clerk position

Dear Ms. Peters:

Your ad in the August 10th edition of The Cooksville News for a sales clerk greatly interested me, as this position is very much in line with my immediate career objective – fashion design and/or retail.

I really enjoy working with people and have developed excellent communication skills as an assistant coach of a junior soccer team. This, combined with the fact that I am a highly motivated and conscientious worker makes a customer service position at Cool Threads a perfect fit for me. A resume detailing my skills and work experience is attached for your review.

I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications. In the meantime, many thanks for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

(sign your name)

J.P. Roy
(919) 555-1234


Cover Letter Checklist

  • Does your letter address the exact name and title of the contact person?
  • Did you use a natural writing style – professional but friendly?
  • Does your letter show that you know something about the company?
  • Does your letter demonstrate energy and enthusiasm?
  • Did you expand on your resume rather than repeat its content?
  • Did you sign your letter and give a phone number and/or e-mail address where you can be reached?
  • Did you have others check your letter for spelling and grammatical errors?

Contact us, we’re here to assist with your employment needs.

Fill out the form and Community Employment Services will contact you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Employment Ontario Emploi Ontario Pembroke Eganville Renfrew County This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and is administered by Algonquin College in Pembroke, Eganville and Barry's Bay.