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Contact Us

We’re here to assist with your employment needs. Visit us in person or complete our online contact form.

Pembroke CES

Location: 141 Lake St. Pembroke, ON, K8A 5L8
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. Open during the lunch hour.
An in-person visit is optional, we’re still delivering our employment services virtually.
Phone Number: 613-735-4308
E-mail: ces@algonquincollege.com
Fax Number: 613-635-4862
Facebook: CESPembroke Instagram: CESPembroke

Eganville CES

Location: 240 Bridge Street, Eganville, ON, K0J 1T0
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm, closed for lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm.
An in-person visit is optional, we’re still delivering our employment services virtually.
Phone Number: 613-628-1700
E-mail: ces@algonquincollege.com
Fax Number: 613-628-3538

Barry’s Bay CES

Location: CES staff in Barry’s Bay bi-weekly.
Hours of Operation: Our Barry’s Bay location is temporarily closed effective 21 September 2023 and we will be servicing this area from our Eganville CES location. We will be able to provide service by phone, virtual or in-person and staff will be in Barry’s Bay on a bi-weekly basis.
Should you wish to schedule an appointment, or require assistance with your work search, please contact us at:
Phone Number: 613-628-1700
E-mail: ces@algonquincollege.com

Got a question?

Fill out the form and Community Employment Services will contact you.

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This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and is administered by Algonquin College in Pembroke and Eganville.

Employment Ontario Emploi Ontario Pembroke Eganville Renfrew County This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and is administered by Algonquin College in Pembroke, Eganville and Barry's Bay.