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Attend an upcoming information session:

Friday February 21 | 11:00am to 12:00pm
Preregister for our Apprenticeship Explained info session. This presentation is via Zoom only, not in-person.
▸ Zoom sign up: https://algonquincollege.zoom.us/meeting/register/bAPtu-fzSG2F9bWxkPzBKw


Ontario has the largest apprenticeship training system in Canada. Each year thousands of apprentices are registered in more than 100 skilled trades ranging from carpentry to hairstyling. However, there continues to be a lot of concern that some trades will soon face a critical shortage of workers as more tradespeople reach retirement age.

As a result of this trend, both the Ontario and Canadian governments have introduced new incentives for both employers and apprentices, in an effort to increase the number of apprentices who successfully complete their apprenticeship training. In most trades, it takes approximately five years for an apprentice to obtain journeyperson status.

Ontario College of Trades
MLITSD: Helping Protect Workers
See below for more information on apprenticeship training and some of the new programs that support apprentices.

Apprenticeship Red Seal Program

The Red Seal Program allows skilled trades workers to work in other provinces.

Apprenticeship Incentive Grant

The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) is a taxable cash grant of $1,000 per year for a maximum $2,000 per person. It is available to registered apprentices once they have successfully completed their first or second year or level of an apprenticeship program in one of the Red Seal trades.

The AIG is Meant To:

  • Help cover some of the tuition cost for apprentices, plus travel and tool costs
  • Encourage apprentices to complete their apprenticeship program and get their Red Seal, which will allow them to apply their skills and knowledge anywhere in Canada

Who Can Apply for AIG?

  • A Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person
  • A person who is out of the secondary school system
  • A registered apprentice with an employer, training trust fund, union training centre, joint apprenticeship training committee, or apprenticeship authority
  • Registered in a designated Red Seal trade in the province or territory where they are
    a registered apprentice
  • Able to show progress within an eligible apprenticeship program by proving that they have successfully completed either the first or second year (level / block) based on support documents

For More Information:

Employment and Social Development Canada: English / French
AIG Information, Application Form, FAQs (English)

Making Cent$ of Apprenticeship

This brochure provides information about the Ontario Apprenticeship Program, eligible trades, employer incentives / tax credits, and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP). It also includes contact information for accessing the Apprenticeship Program in Renfrew and Lanark Counties.

Contact us, we’re here to assist with Apprenticeship.

Fill out the form and Community Employment Services will contact you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Employment Ontario Emploi Ontario Pembroke Eganville Renfrew County This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and is administered by Algonquin College in Pembroke, Eganville and Barry's Bay.