Child and Family Protection Worker -Permanent 1.0 FTE, Pembroke

Family & Children’s Services of Renfrew County | Pembroke, Ontario
Full-Time | Wage: Salary $62,893 – $90,932 /year | Closes 2025-03-26

Job Description


The CFPW position receives new and reopened referrals that meet the criteria in accordance with Eligibility Spectrum. Completion of child Safety Assessments, assessing strengths and needs in the context of child development and family functioning, and completion of risk assessments are key responsibilities of the CFPW. The position determines the need for protection and develops an appropriate case management plan after considering child vulnerability, parental capacity and the likelihood of future child health and development.

• Completes investigative interviews and processes intended to determine the risk of harm to a child (as per protocol and standards).
• Interviews persons requesting or referred for service and completes the documentation required for the Investigation assessment.
• Provides assessment, intervention and case management services with families in need of services.
• Intervenes actively with clients, their networks, including informal and formal supports, as per provincial and agency standards. This position assesses risk, builds on family strengths, builds parental capacity and acts decisively to ensure permanency of care.
• Facilitates and supports clients in accessing appropriate collateral services.
• Apprehends or assists in placement/admissions for children to ensure their safety – includes placement with Kin/Kith/Care, placement process and preparation of the file for court, or completion of Temporary Care Agreements.
• Demonstrates timely and clearly planned case management through continuously available file recording including assessments and Outcome Plans.
• Coordinates the delivery of collateral services and through the use of Signs of Safety format, demonstrates the case management function assigned to Family and Children’s Services by legislation.
• Participates and provides feedback in the context of Permanency Planning Conferences related to Kin/Kith and placements in care.
• Provides night duty (emergency) services as scheduled.
• Assists in the development of access planning and reintegration planning
• Reviews and assesses the need for closure at Investigation or the need for continued On-going services.
• Meets with a Supervisor on a regular, scheduled basis to review case planning, quality assurance items, performance, self-care and employment goals both short and long term. Participates in Team-related initiatives and activities.
• Assumes other relates duties that may be directed and authorized by supervisory staff.

• Timely response to service needs.
• Maintenance of up-to-date clinical records which demonstrate case planning, delivery of planned services, achievement of goals and ongoing case closure and new case assignment.
• Responsiveness to supervision and meeting on a regular, scheduled basis
• Complete, Accurate and Timely preparation of case documentation.
• Demonstrated use of Signs of Safety Model (principles, philosophy, tools) in case planning and recording
• Demonstrated thinking and judgement regarding child protection issues, child safety referrals, need for continued on-going involvement.
• Continuous liaison with internal departments, collateral resources and family networks as an aid to decision making
• Maintain a high level of knowledge in regard to the scope of their practice and have a demonstrated ability to plan their work in a manner that allows for quality service provision.
• Demonstrate reliability, strong analytical ability and effective communication skills, including interviewing.
• Demonstrate an ability to be effective in assisting families in achieving positive outcomes.
• Demonstrate initiative and adaptability, ability to prioritize tasks and respond accordingly
• Strive to enhance the development of others, possess leadership skills and a team approach to service provision and the execution of agency functions.

• Ability to identify systemic barriers to equity and anti-oppressive practices and apply this lens to your work with FCSRC.
• Knowledge, experience, and understanding of the culture, history and current oppressions experienced by marginalized groups.
• Ability to understand and apply anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-cisgenderist, anti-ageist, anti-classist, anti-heterosexist lenses to social problems.
• BSW or MSW required
• Individual counselling and group facilitation skills
• Understanding of the CYFSA, Signs of Safety, Anti-Oppressive Practice and Strength-Based approach
• Ability to collaborate as part of a multi-disciplinary team
• Computer skills – knowledgeable about computer-based technologies relevant to report writing, the collection and maintenance of client information, data and other common office tasks
• French Language skills considered an asset
• Must be able to work flexible hours.

• Normal in office working conditions apply
• Work is occasionally of an emergency nature and disruptive to normal scheduling and work beyond the normal working hours will sometimes be required.
• Ability to travel and work out of different offices within Renfrew County
• Driving as required
• Applicants with international educational credentials must provide WES (World Education Services) accreditation for verification.

SALARY: $62,893 – $90,932

JOB TERMS: Permanent
APPLY BY: 2025-03-26

How to Apply

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