Junior Accountant-Bookkeeper

Multani Professional Tax Services, Professional Corporation | Pembroke, Ontario
Full-Time 37 hrs/wk | Wage: Hourly $25.00 + /hr | Closes 2025-03-31

Job Description

Junior Accountant/Bookkeeper required for growing Ontario based Professional CPA accounting firm.

Skills: Education related to accounting, tax and or bookkeeping including diplomas experience in these areas preferred, with references working towards CPA designation, or considering this strong computer skills with experience in Microsoft products, QBO, income tax platforms team oriented

Location: Offices in Toronto and Ottawa, can work remotely

Hours: 35-37 hours weekly

Benefits: Working with a team of professionals, the learning curve will serve you well going forward

Soft skills: communication
attention to detail

JOB TERMS: Permanent
APPLY BY: 2025-03-31

How to Apply

Please send resume to:


NOTE: Algonquin College and Community Employment Services are not responsible for the accuracy, validity or authenticity of external job postings or their content. These advertisements are printed as described by the employer. Algonquin College and Community Employment Services do not screen employers or worksites. It is your responsibility, as an employee, to exercise appropriate caution.

Job seekers, contact Community Employment Services Barry’s Bay, Eganville, Pembroke for assistance with your employment search.

Contact CES Barry’s Bay, Eganville, Pembroke


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