Leadership Mentoring Program

The Leadership Mentoring Program is a structured mentorship opportunity that supports the development and growth of the 5 leadership skills outlined in the AC Leadership Requirements Model.

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The Leadership Mentoring Program is a structured mentorship opportunity that supports the development and growth of a self-identified SMART goal identified by the mentee within any of 5 leadership skills outlined in the Algonquin College Leadership Requirements Model. Reflective questioning, open dialogue, coaching strategies, guided reflection, and focused learning conversations are key components of the program.

The guiding principles of the program include: a learning partnership based on mutual respect, trust and freedom of expression; a focus on the further development of leadership strengths through practice and reflection of a personal goal; and a transformational and relational approach to learning. The program is not connected to the performance management system and does not involve mentees working with mentors who are in a supervisory role.


As a Mentee: All employees, no experience required!

Apply to be a Mentee

As a Mentor: Members of the AC Executive Team (ACET) and AC Leadership Team (ACLT), graduates of ALEI 3 and graduates of the Leadership Mentoring Program. NO experience required!

Apply to be a Mentor

The Leadership Mentoring program will save 30% of the Mentee seats for Black, Indigenous and Employees of Colour interested in becoming a Mentee. If you are interested in applying, please check out the information on this page or contact Rebecca Volk at volkr@algonquincollege.com.


Mentorship is a self-directed learning opportunity that will allow you to integrate learning into lived experiences in the workplace and give you the opportunity to be part of a mentoring learning network. The mentor/mentee partnership is one based on reciprocity. It is not a “hierarchical” relationship and both mentor and mentee will learn throughout the partnership.

An important learning component of the program is the Peer Learning sessions which are synchronous, multimodal sessions designed to:

  • learn more about effective mentorship and gain further mentoring skills;
  • share knowledge, expertise and ideas within a large group supported by the mentorship coordinator;
  • develop effective practice using examples and discussion;
  • develop a “network” of mentors and mentees to support each other throughout the mentoring cycle.


Upon completion of this program, you will have been given the opportunity to:

  • understand what it takes to make mentorship a successful learning model for leadership development;
  • practice the skills and techniques to be a successful mentor/mentee;
  • set and achieve personal learning goals in a supportive learning environment;
  • increase your networks of communication and collaboration;
  • contribute to an increased culture of mentorship throughout the organization;
  • further develop within any of the 5 leadership skills as outlined in the Algonquin Leadership Requirements Model;
  • practice leadership strategies with support from a mentor/mentee; and
  • reflect upon and demonstrate the application of new learning.


Successful completion of the program requires:

  • the dedication of 2.5 hours a month to the mentor/mentee partnership;
  • attendance and participation in all 7 scheduled Peer Learning Sessions;
  • the completion of a Final Reflection and Program Effectiveness Survey.

A Certificate of Completion will be provided to all participants who successfully meet the requirements of the program.

For more information about the program and for testimonials from previous participants, please click on the each of the items below.

About the Program

Why Mentorship?

Mentoring values and promotes organizational and individual growth and development. It enriches the learning that takes place throughout the organization, leverages its energy by focusing on employee engagement, and is a powerful way to develop the next generation of leaders.

Self-directed learning is at the heart of a mentoring partnership and, as such, learning experiences are relevant and meaningful. The chances of transferring new learning to the workplace are significantly increased when participants are engaged in practicing new or enhancing current skills within a mentorship relationship.

(Joyce and Showers, 2002)

What is the Leadership Mentoring Program at Algonquin?

The Leadership Mentoring Program is a structured mentorship opportunity that supports development and growth in the 5 leadership skills outlined in the Algonquin College Leadership Requirements Model. Reflective questioning, open dialogue, coaching strategies, guided reflection and focused learning conversations are key components of the program. It is also a great opportunity for participants in the Algonquin Leadership in Education Institute (ALEI) to extend what they have learned in the program to their ongoing learning and practice.

The guiding principles of the program include: a learning partnership based on mutual respect, trust and freedom of expression; a focus on the further development of leadership strengths through practice and reflection; and a transformational and relational approach to learning. The program is not connected to performance management and does not involve mentees working with mentors who are in a supervisory role.

The Leadership Mentoring Program is open to ALL EMPLOYEES who are interested in further developing their leadership potential either as a formal or informal leader in the College.

Goals of the Leadership Mentoring Program

Impact on the Organization
*Increase employee engagement by increasing networks of communication and collaboration
*Increase a culture of mentorship throughout the organization to develop leaders both formal and informal and at all levels of the organization

Capacity Building
*Further develop leadership skills through effective professional learning opportunities that respect adult learning preferences
*Enhance the Algonquin Leadership in Education Institute (ALEI) program – putting Algonquin College’s Leadership Requirements Model “to work”

*Ensure the sharing of valuable knowledge and expertise to develop formal and informal leaders throughout the College

Benefits to Participants in the Leadership Mentoring Program

In addition to a great opportunity to integrate learning into lived experiences in the workplace, participants in this program have the opportunity to be part of a peer mentoring learning network. This learning network meets in a series of facilitated virtual sessions at which when participants in the program will:

  • learn more about effective mentorship and gain further mentoring skills;
  • share knowledge, expertise and ideas within a large group supported by a facilitator;
  • develop effective practice using examples and discussion;
  • develop a “network” of mentors and mentees to support each other throughout the mentoring cycle.

Participants also have access to a course set up on the Employee Learning platform. The course houses documents, forms and great resources to aid in the mentoring process.

Testimonials from Previous Participants

I would highly recommend the Leadership Mentoring Program to my colleagues because it helped me with my personal and professional growth. I had the opportunity to work on a project that wasn’t directly related to my jobs, but was related to my growth as a person and professional. The pace and duration of the program kept me accountable to my goals in a very supportive environment. 
~ Gabrielle Berube, Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism & Student Success Specialist, Language Institute

The Leadership Mentoring Program is a fulsome experience for all.  Lessons and strategies learned from all involved. Would recommend to any Algonquin employee.
~ Shaun Barr, Academic Chair, Construction Trades & Building Systems

The Leadership Mentoring Program was great, even in its virtual format – the mentor/mentee format created a two-way learning experience that led to a successful AC Way project supporting the learner experience.
~ Ernest Mulvey, Director, International Education Centre, Global, Online and Corporate Learning

Beyond a doubt this has been one of the best PD opportunities I have ever taken at Algonquin having been able to not just see my own growth over 8 months but those of my fellow mentees.
~ Nicholas Lapierre, Financial Aid Officer, Student Financial Support

The Leadership Mentoring Program was a great way to form a one-on-one relationship with a colleague (mentor) who has expertise that I could benefit from, and was able to help me hone my skills and build my leadership confidence.
~ Jody White, Associate Chair, School of Advanced Technology

It was a perfect pairing with my mentor! I was reminded just how accomplished and interesting my colleagues are. It is so important to have a structured program like this, so you connect with co-workers beyond the daily to dos and be open to what wisdom they have to pass along.
~ Tracy Norris, Dual Credit Coordinator, Academic Partnerships

The Leadership Mentoring Program enabled me to build a deep connection with someone from the Algonquin College community whom I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to connect with, to actively use my leadership skills, and continue to grow professionally and personally.
~ Jodi Bucholtz, Manager, Local Immigration Partnerships – Lanark & Renfrew

The Leadership Mentoring Program is an empowering learning initiative that fosters strong leadership foundations along with forming connections within the college community.
~Julia Fortey, Associate Chair, ACCE