Wellness & Ability

Active Meditation Techniques

YES, you can meditate at Work! Discover how mindful you can be without feeling hemmed in. By remembering that meditation is a practice and that it feels different from one day to the next, allow yourself to get creative and find little moments to re-center. Once you start practicing, you may be surprised at the time that opens for more. Bonus! Life coach and therapist, Matthew Jones offers up some active meditation techniques that fit into almost any lifestyle.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Building Resilience

Find out where you are on the Resilience scale, identify where you want to be, and learn strategies to close the gap. Everyone wants to perform well when the pressure’s on, but a lot of us withdraw in times of stress or adversity. If you can build your resilience, you’ll have an easier time facing new challenges and earn a valuable skill to offer employees.

Join professor and professional communications coach, Tatiana Kolovou in this introductory 47 second video, ‘What, Why and How to Become Resilient.’ It is suggested that you also consider watching her series of short videos for valuable tips and strategies, as Tatiana explains how to bounce back from difficult situations, by building your “resiliency threshold.” She outlines five training techniques to prepare for difficult situations, and five strategies for reflecting on them afterward. Note: Tatiana’s course has been featured in Market Watch, Inc., Fortune, Forbes and Entrepreneur.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Do you have Nine Minutes?

Studies have shown that you can change your brain if you designate nine minutes of your day on meditation. Learning how to meditate can start simply by focusing on your breath or following a guided meditation program.

By focusing on your breath, you are better able to center or ground yourself more readily to train your brain on your attention management stills. To learn more about this topic, listen to this 2:04 audio podcast on, Practicing Meditation for Nine Minutes.

To listen to the complete podcast, click here to access, How to Be Awesome at Your Job

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

The Polyvagal Theory and Mapping your Own Nervous System

You are likely familiar with “fight or flight” or “rest and digest” as terms typically referred to when discussing our autonomic nervous system. With anxiety, depression, and stress on the climb, have you ever wondered how you can understand your reactions to life’s challenges and stressors?

Or maybe you wondered how you can become more resilient? Would you like to attempt to map your own nervous system and take ownership of what’s happening to your body? To tune in to what’s happening, and know how to regulate your emotions and your responses to stress? Thanks to the kind contribution of colleague Jennifer Thevierge, you can take a page from the “Movement Paradigm” to read on how you can experiment with mapping your own nervous system via a different aspect of the nervous system referred to as the Polyvagal Theory developed by Dr. Stephen Porges.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Fundamentals of well-being

Well-being is defined as feeling good and being effective. But how do we cultivate well-being and happiness? Watch this 3:03 min LinkedIn Learning video clip with Karen Doll as she explores the five components of the PERMA model and discover how you can foster a sense of well-being into your work routine.

Interested in more mental health and wellness content? Consider the following Algonquin College employee learning opportunities:

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Spread Positive Gossip

It has been proven that the mentally strongest people have specific habits that drive their fortitude. In this 2:58 min LinkedIn Learning video Spread Positive Gossip, Scott Mautz talks about how just as negative gossip travels very quickly and has a devastating effect in many ways, so can positive gossip have an opposite uplifting impact.

If you enjoy this video consider completing the entire course, Ten Habits of Mentally Strong People (39 mins). This course states different habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to specifically build your mental strength, contributing to success on so many fronts.

Interested in more mental health and wellness content? Consider the following Algonquin College employee learning opportunities:

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Recharge your Energy

What are the downfalls of using every spare moment to accomplish a task? What are some variables that should be optimized to ensure peak performance? What is the aspect of total energy that is most closely correlated with the readiness to solve complex problems? What are the best activities for energizing after waking?

Join Heidi Hanna, globally recognized stress and resilience expert in this 2:15 min video which kicks off the learning module, “Recharge Your Energy for Peak Performance.” Heidi will share tips for anchoring your attention to what matters most, priming your brain to sleep, fueling wisely with proper nutrition, and creating a seven-day recharge sprint.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Use Breathwork to Release Pressure

December can be a stressful months on many fronts. Remember to stop and a take a few moments to yourself to refresh and focus, and breathwork is one good option. Breathwork is an ancient practice for quieting the mind and body. In this 5:28 min video clip learn how to control your breathwork to help you clear, cleanse, and let go of heavy tension and release pressure.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Rediscovering Your Joy, Energy, and Purpose

Ever wondered how to get back that special spark? That feeling of joy, energy, and real purpose? If you’ve ever felt disconnected, exhausted, or unmotivated, you’re not alone- it’s more common than you think. In this course, instructors Sam Bennett and Amy Ahlers-who have both experienced incredible career success while also struggling to support their well-being- show you how to rediscover your joy, energy, and purpose, starting now, from exactly where you’re at.

This 47 min course, Rediscovering Your Joy, Energy, and Purpose, is divided into timely and digestible tidbits of information built to reinvigorate your routine and sense of purpose.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.