Wellness & Ability

Reduce Stress & Anxiety by Managing your Nervous System

In this 1:10 min introductory video, you will become familiar with the importance of why regulating your nervous system matters. Stress, anxiety, burnout, overwhelm, and disengagement are all connected to the function of your nervous system. Learning how to work at the level of your nervous system can help you bring your best self to the daily challenges you face. In this course, somatic expert and coach, Jay Fields teaches simple practices for regulating the autonomic nervous system, which unconsciously controls your mind and body’s response to stress. Participate in activity exercises to apply some basic concepts to your personal experiences and to help you to regulate your nervous system. While this course won’t magically make the world a less stressful place, by participating in the exercises and applying the lessons Jay imparts, you will have a nervous system that is wired to help you meet challenges with more calmness and clarity.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Lean into your Energy Levels

Have you given any thought to managing your energy levels? You can learn to get better results by cooperating with your energy levels instead of competing with them. Try completing your most productive work in the ‘green zone’ when you are at your peak hours of productivity. Select your moderately productive work in the balanced or ‘yellow zone.’ Finally, try completing your least important tasks when you are in your ‘red zone.’ This is when you have the least amount of energy. To learn more about leaning into your energy levels, listen to this audio clip, Cooperate with your Energy Levels.

Interested in hearing more? You can hear the complete series of audio clips as part of the LinkedIn Learning course, At Your Best: Managing Your Time and Priorities.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Better Wrist and Elbow Health

Conditions like tennis elbow and carpal tunnel can be a result of repetitive and long-term mouse and keyboard use. Try these easy exercises to help prevent the common pains that plague people who work at desks and computers. This 3:51min video clip, as well as others in this series, will help you focus on improving your wrist and elbow health.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Staying Organized at Work for Wellness

Spring is upon us, and with that comes thoughts of spring cleaning and getting organized, but it’s not only your home that needs some attention. Whether you’re in an office or working remotely, if your workspace and work routines are unorganized, you may constantly feel like you’re behind in your tasks. In this 1:32 min video clip, you will get suggestions on how to organize your workspace and prepare your work environment, so you feel more efficient and less stressed.

If you could also use some advice for multitasking, maximizing break times, please check out videos in this series.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Ready…Set…Stress Reset

Looking for ways to help you better manage your stress? A stress reset is an action, thought, saying, ritual or other strategy that can create space between your reaction to stress and your response. Watch this 3:42 min video clip to gain new insight into action with a “stress reset” and turn your new insight into action.

Would you like to learn more about your own stress personality? Watch, Discover Your Stress Personality (49 min) to find out more.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Mindfulness is not just about Meditation

Mindfulness and compassion are ancient practices that, when combined, can easily and powerfully be applied in the workplace. More than meditation, a mindfulness practice helps you reduce the effects of stress and build better relationships. Compassion is an underlying force that helps create more engaged employees and more successful workplaces.

This 3:33 min video clip will introduce you to essential tools and techniques that can help you better show up for yourself and others at work, as well as give you strategies for developing greater compassion for yourself and others.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Active Meditation Techniques

YES, you can meditate at Work! Discover how mindful you can be without feeling hemmed in. By remembering that meditation is a practice and that it feels different from one day to the next, allow yourself to get creative and find little moments to re-center. Once you start practicing, you may be surprised at the time that opens for more. Bonus! Life coach and therapist, Matthew Jones offers up some active meditation techniques that fit into almost any lifestyle.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Building Resilience

Find out where you are on the Resilience scale, identify where you want to be, and learn strategies to close the gap. Everyone wants to perform well when the pressure’s on, but a lot of us withdraw in times of stress or adversity. If you can build your resilience, you’ll have an easier time facing new challenges and earn a valuable skill to offer employees.

Join professor and professional communications coach, Tatiana Kolovou in this introductory 47 second video, ‘What, Why and How to Become Resilient.’ It is suggested that you also consider watching her series of short videos for valuable tips and strategies, as Tatiana explains how to bounce back from difficult situations, by building your “resiliency threshold.” She outlines five training techniques to prepare for difficult situations, and five strategies for reflecting on them afterward. Note: Tatiana’s course has been featured in Market Watch, Inc., Fortune, Forbes and Entrepreneur.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Do you have Nine Minutes?

Studies have shown that you can change your brain if you designate nine minutes of your day on meditation. Learning how to meditate can start simply by focusing on your breath or following a guided meditation program.

By focusing on your breath, you are better able to center or ground yourself more readily to train your brain on your attention management stills. To learn more about this topic, listen to this 2:04 audio podcast on, Practicing Meditation for Nine Minutes.

To listen to the complete podcast, click here to access, How to Be Awesome at Your Job

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

The Polyvagal Theory and Mapping your Own Nervous System

You are likely familiar with “fight or flight” or “rest and digest” as terms typically referred to when discussing our autonomic nervous system. With anxiety, depression, and stress on the climb, have you ever wondered how you can understand your reactions to life’s challenges and stressors?

Or maybe you wondered how you can become more resilient? Would you like to attempt to map your own nervous system and take ownership of what’s happening to your body? To tune in to what’s happening, and know how to regulate your emotions and your responses to stress? Thanks to the kind contribution of colleague Jennifer Thevierge, you can take a page from the “Movement Paradigm” to read on how you can experiment with mapping your own nervous system via a different aspect of the nervous system referred to as the Polyvagal Theory developed by Dr. Stephen Porges.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.