Visual Learning Delivery

Enhance your Presentation with Emotional Peaks

Do you want to make your lesson, presentation or pitch memorable? Research shows that we only remember 10% of what was said after 1 week. Listen to this short audio clip, Evoke Emotional Peaks, to learn how you can create more meaningful presentations for your audience.

Interested in hearing more? You can hear the complete series of audio clips as part of the LinkedIn Learning course, Becoming More Memorable and Persuasive.

Have any questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Storytelling for Meaningful Learning

How can we make learning more interesting and memorable for our learners? Learners often have an easier time retaining concepts when they’re woven into a compelling narrative. In his 1:45 min video clip introduction, Paul A. Smith, Storytelling Coach and author of, “Lead with a Story” and “10 Stories Great Leaders Tell,” talks about the importance of the story. Paul shares how we can begin to build engaging training content by using essential storytelling techniques.

Storytelling in its many varied forms opens up dialogue to allow for sharing including providing analogies and making connections to prior and new learning while inviting the sharing and discussion of other’s perspectives and lived experiences.

Consider how you can choose the right story to tell in the right situation, as well as, how to structure your story. Also, how you can incorporate emotion, surprise, and humor into your training to make the content more fun, relatable, and transformative for your learners.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Ensuring PowerPoint Presentations are Accessible for Everyone 

PowerPoint can be much more than a visual narrative for our learning environments. In many cases learners rely on screen readers or assistive software to accurately articulate the relevant information from our digital visual mediums. In this 5:25 min video clip you will be given a glimpse into the embedded tools within PowerPoint that will ensure that all learners can experience your presentations how you are intend for them to be delivered.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Quick Tips for Creating an Interactive Presentation

Looking for ways to engage folks in a self-running, interactive presentation? To learn about quick interactive tips and tricks that you can incorporate into future presentations check out this 5:56 min video clip.

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Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.