Digital Technologies

Online Searching Tips and Tricks

While most people are up to speed on the basics of a Google search, there are a variety of more advanced strategies that can help you get even better results. This 3:02 video clip will walk you through a handful of powerful search strategies that can help you find what you need quickly.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Remembering Passwords

Forgot your password? As the need to create complex passwords become the norm, it is easy to forget them. This 2:00 minute video clip provides tips on how you can create – and remember – a strong password.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

The ‘Chrome Browser Group’ Hack

Do you have trouble keeping track of all your open tabs in Chrome? Try the Group Tab Feature. Right click on any open tab and select ‘Add tab to group’ or ‘Create group.’ All grouped tabs can be collapsed to save space and maintain focus but be readily available when pivoting to a new task.

Thank you, Emily Kinnear-Leduc for sharing your Employee Learning Moment tip with us this week! Emily works at the Algonquin College Corporate Training Centre.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Save Your Eyes-Listen to Your E-mails!

Are your eyes hurting from too much screen time, but the e-mails keep rolling in? Well, give your eyes a rest and listen to your e-mails instead! This 3:03 min video clip will give you a quick tutorial on how to use the “Read Aloud” option in Outlook.

Hint: This is just one of 11 Tips and Tricks covered in the larger course “Become an Outlook Power User” that you may not know about, check them all out!

Please note that the training is recorded in Outlook for Office 365, but anyone using a recent version of Outlook—including 2019, 2016, and 2013—will be able to follow along.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.