Employee Learning Moment

Celebrating a Year of Employee Learning Moments!

We are happy to recognize our first milestone year of, ‘Employee Learning Moments’ to our AC employees!

This week we are showcasing all of our featured submissions from the past year! To visit all of our Employee Learning Moment postings, please navigate to this link.

This is the place to learn about just the right tool (that will help do the trick), just-in-time (to help you through the rest of your week) and just for you (as an employee at AC) to help us work more collaboratively and effectively!

Did you Know…You can also subscribe to our weekly ELM blog by submitting your email address to the ELM Email Feed, and never miss a single Employee Learning Moment release!

Tips to help you Improve your Listening Skills

Listening is a skill that you can manage through the practice of multiple listening strategies. Watch this 2:31 min video clip to learn how you can become more mindful when interacting with peers, colleagues and groups.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Scheduling Downtime

Thinking about ways to optimize your mindset for success? Watch this 2:02 min video clip to learn how scheduling downtime and pausing to reflect can help you cultivate flow in your work.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Celebrate your Team’s Successes!

Pausing to celebrate success is an important aspect in our day-to-day work lives. Oftentimes we move onto the next challenge without recognizing all of the wins we have achieved. Listen to this 1:14 audio recording to see how recognizing the ‘wins’ can help build confidence on your team.

HINT: This is just one of a series of 10 short audio recordings that have been adapted from the podcast, ‘How to Be Awesome at Your Job.’ You might want to check them all out!

To access this podcast, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Rethinking end-of-work-day Rituals

Are you looking for key opportunities to revise your end-of-work-day rituals? Listen to this 3:11 audio recording to learn about some tips and strategies to help you clearly draw boundaries between work and home life.

HINT: This is just one of a series of 10 short audio recordings that have been adapted from the podcast, ‘How to Be Awesome at Your Job.’ You might want to check them all out!

To access this podcast, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Overcome Overthinking

The more we delay action to get tangled in our own thoughts, the farther we get from our goals. In this 3:11 min video clip, find out how to tell the difference between deep thought and overthinking.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

5-Minute Meditation

Live a life filled with less stress, greater well-being, and enhanced productivity by learning how to make transformational changes. This 6:49 min video clip, will give you a quick overview of meditation and a guided 5-minute meditation.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Using Steps Recorder to create a Tutorial by Recording & Sharing Instructions

Do you wish you could easily convey to your ITS Technician any issues you were having with your PC? Or, perhaps you need to easily share a written work process with a colleague? The Windows “Steps Recorder” tool allows you to efficiently and effectively track and record what you are doing on your PC screen while automatically generating step-by-step written instructions and screenshots. This application also allows you to add comments to your slides and review recorded steps as a slide show. In this 3:44 min video clip, you will find a few simple steps to help get you started.

Happy recording and sharing!

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Setting & Accomplishing Goals

Happy New Year and welcome back to our Employee Learning Moment! This blog is designed for our busy lives at Algonquin College. This is the place to learn about the right tool (that will help do the trick), just-in-time (to help you through the rest of your week) and just for you (as an employee at AC)!

The Employee Learning Moment (ELM) highlights resources, tools, and just-in-time workplace tricks to help you work more collaboratively and effectively. We hope you will return to this blog or subscribe to receive weekly updates.

This week the ELM explores goal setting so that you can get more meaningful things done. To learn about some of the techniques that you can leverage to help maintain momentum as you effectively accomplish your goal(s), please check out this 1:24 minute video clip.

Hint: Don’t stop there, it is just the introduction to a set of short clips that will help you take action and overcome obstacles, especially when everything feels like a priority.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Holiday Stress Management

Finding healthy ways to eliminate stress is important to living a healthy, happy life.

In the spirit of the holidays, please find two tasty recipes to help get your holidays started! Homemade Eggnog with Pecan Sandies – a winning combination!

The Centre for Organizational Learning would like to wish all employees a healthy, safe & restful holiday season! We look forward to supporting your learning needs in the New Year!

Please ensure to check out our Employee Learning Calendar for more opportunities coming your way!