Enrichment & Growth

Microsoft Outlook Quick Tips 

Get quick answers to your most urgent Outlook questions.

The LinkedIn Learning course, Outlook Quick Tips (27m 55s), is chalked full of Outlook tutorials built to help you work with email, stay organized, and customize your Outlook experience.

These short tutorials help users work faster and smarter with Outlook, the ubiquitous email and calendar app from Microsoft. Learn how to set up an out-of-office message, work with reminders, create folders and subfolders, change the default font in email messages, share Outlook calendars with others, request read receipts, and more.

Additional Microsoft Teams Learning Opportunities

  • Book an Appointment with the Centre for Organizational Learning’s System Training Specialist for support with or problem-solving assistance with your Outlook

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Reduce Complexity with Chunking 

Do you have difficulty learning new skills and information? People often think they’re bad learners, or have a bad memory, or make too many mistakes when learning. In reality, just like a bad exercise routine may leave you wondering why you’re not seeing results, bad learning strategies may be at the root of all your learning difficulties.

In this LinkedIn Learning video, Reduce complexity: Chunking (5m), you will gain insight into how to reduce complexity by chunking learning.

Want more information about upskilling more effectively? This video was just a small portion of the LinkedIn Learning course, Strategies to Learn and Upskill More Effectively (1h).

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Be Present & Improve Employee Engagement

How do you retain your most valuable people within the organization?

One of the greatest gifts you can give to your employees is to be fully present with them for 5 minutes. Removing distractions from the working environment and being present with your team can be an extremely powerful tool to help support employee engagement. To find how effective you can be in 5 minutes, check out this 2:46 minute video or download the, What did you Notice Checklist from the exercise files of this course.

This video is from the 1h:22 minute LinkedIn Learning course: Engagement=Success

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Four Simple Strategies to Boost Creativity and Productivity

While you may not usually think of being creative as a benefit to productivity, sometimes shaking things up and approaching work with creativity can help you bring big projects to the finish line. In this audio-only course, Four Simple Strategies to Boost Creativity and Productivity (8 mins), adapted from the Modern Mentor podcast, host Rachel Cooke helps you understand how you can harness your creativity to be more productive. Rachel details actionable techniques to burst through productivity barriers, enabling you to produce meaningful outcomes.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Building Inclusive Work Communities

Workplace Utopia is described as “a place where everyone feels a sense of Belonging.” Why is “feeling like you belong” important? What are some of the positive and negative impacts of ‘feeling that you do not belong’? Is this topic resonating with you? If so, please join Joanne Simon-Walters, HR Professional and experienced business leader, in this introductory 1:25 min video to begin the “Building Inclusive Work Communitiesconversation. This learning path will examine inclusivity essentials including inclusion strategies (also in chaotic times) to understand how this can have a positive impact on creating a sense of belonging in our workplaces.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Supporting Workplace Inclusion

How do we recognize generational characteristics to promote generational inclusion in the workplace? How do we build teams with complementary skills where difference is a value-add? How can intergenerational collaboration create successful outcomes? Join Linda Croyle, expert psychologist and consultant in transformative communication, diversity, and inclusion who will share her insights on how we can harness the benefits each generation plays in the workplace.

Watch this 1:19 min video on Generational Inclusion which serves to introduce the “Diversity Across Generations: Supporting Workplace Inclusion” learning module.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

How to Celebrate Successes Remotely

This 4:30 min LinkedIn Learning video offers some fundamental ways to observe meaningful personal and team milestones in a remote work environment. While a virtual workplace can be a very enriching environment, it won’t happen organically.

The full course Managing Skills for Remote Leaders (1h 12m) outlines a 15 step program that shows how to create a sense of community, build an inclusive culture that spans virtual workspaces, and shares values, goodwill, and ideas.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Effective Speakers Listen First

Do you want to be an engaging speaker? In this audio- only course from How to Be Awesome at Your Job, international speaker, Julian Treasure shares tactics and techniques that improve how you communicate. Julian stresses the importance of learning how to listen first.

This 4:57 min audio clip, Effective Speakers Listen First, is a segment from the 34 min LinkedIn Learning course, How to Speak So People Want to Listen.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.