Enrichment & Growth

The Power of Validation

Great listeners do three critical things: listen, seek to understand, and then validate the emotions of the speaker. In this introductory 5:01 audio course, Pete Mockaitis sits down with best-selling author, Michael Sorensen and takes a deep dive into communication skills to help you build and sustain better relationships. You can improve your everyday conversations using a proposed four-step validation method.

Find out what to do if you unintentionally invalidate others or miss the mark in how you respond, developing your capacities, along the way, to facilitate difficult emotional conversations. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to reestablish your boundaries and listen more closely than ever before.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Make your Story More Persuasive

In organizations that have many different priorities and hierarchy levels, being able to clearly create a story that wins support and resources for your projects, ideas, and initiatives is an essential skill. In this course, career strategy coach, Tiffany Uman guides you on how to craft a compelling and well-presented story that influences leadership and decision-makers, even in the most challenging of situations. Tiffany also highlights anticipating pain points, questions and potential pushback from leaders and decision makers.

After checking out this 2:56 min introductory video, you will be encouraged to engaged with the complete course, from planning backwards from the objective of your presentation as well as strategic research to understanding the needs, concerns, and priorities of stakeholders to craft a persuasive, data-backed story.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Leading by Empowerment & Delegation

Looking for ways to delegate some tasks within your team? The video highlights the importance of stretching an employees’ capability outside their current comfort zone. It also provides tips to help leverage learning for overall effectiveness. To learn more, please check out this short video clip, Providing Opportunities for Working at Higher Levels.

If interested in seeking additional learning and development strategies, these videos are part of the LinkedIn Learning course, Maximizing Your Learning & Development Outcomes.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

How to Be an Adaptable Employee during Change and Uncertainty

As an employee, the most valuable skill you can cultivate is adaptability, so you’re ready for anything. In this course, Dorie Clark, a Business Administration professor and published author shares concrete tips and strategies to become more adaptable- and to embrace adaptability as an ongoing part of your life. Watch this introductory 3:43 min video to get you thinking about ways that can help to motivate you to become more adaptable.

Learn how to cultivate an adaptable mindset and build the right skills, including communication and open-mindedness. Then find out how to put your new adaptability skills into action by talking directly to your supervisor, taking on new tasks, and developing a positive attitude. The skills you learn in this course can help you thrive in times of crisis and succeed no matter what the future holds.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

The Importance of Self-Awareness towards Personal Development

While a multitude of factors can go into the making of a successful person, nearly all individuals who achieve high levels of personal and professional success have a keen sense of self-awareness. In this introductory 1:16 min video you will understand the importance of focusing on developing self-awareness to allow you to personally develop your leadership skills and enhance your career progression. Organizational psychologist, Gemma Roberts helps you learn how to develop your self- awareness so that you can understand how others see you, and better align your actions with your intentions. She shares strategies for how to identify beliefs to enhance self-awareness , step outside of yourself to gain a different perspective, leverage a self-awareness action plan, and more.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

“I just have to Listen”

Searching for ways to deeply listen? This skill can improve our empathy, increase our curiosity about others and strengthen our relationships with peers and colleagues.

Watch this 3:26 min video clip to help quiet your own thoughts by seeking meaningful connections across differences, listening instead for what individuals are trying to communicate.

Ready for more? Watch the LinkedIn Learning Program, Develop Interpersonal Skills for Inclusive Workplaces (42 min).

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

What are the Benefits of Creating & Sustaining a “Culture of Learning?”

Did you know that when you deliberately engage employees through learning, they’re 48% more likely to find purpose in their work?

Discover why a culture of learning is beneficial to organizations big and small, how to gain buy-in from the top down, how to embed learning into the flow of work, and how to keep current with learning trends. Watch this 1:16 introductory video clip with instructors and Learning and development professionals, Naphtali Bryant and Jason Mulero. They will explore how workforce trends affect learning; define a growth environment and how to take steps to create one. Additionally, they will discuss the concept of embedded learning to help you address some challenges, and identify metrics that show the impact of your initiatives.

Want to learn more? This video was just a small portion of the LinkedIn Learning course, Creating a Culture of Learning (36 min).

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

How to Support Your Employee’s Well-Being

Managers face sometimes-daunting tasks. When your employees are struggling with burnout, stress, work-life imbalance, and other life challenges that may impact their performance and productivity, how can you support them? Check out this 3:35 min video clip to find out more about your role in your employee’s well-being and how you can positively impact your employees experience at work.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Why Organizational Culture Matters

An organization’s culture is evidenced in its values, policies, attitudes, structures, and beliefs. It is a tangible asset that impacts morale and company performance, and it can be built, nurtured, and changed. Check out this 3:40 min video clip to understand more about why you should be invested in organizational culture.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Reduce Absentmindedness 

Do you have difficulty keeping focus? In reality, just like a bad exercise routine may leave you wondering why you’re feeling scattered or disorganized.

This LinkedIn Learning video, Reduce absentmindedness (2m 32s), gives strategies that can help you effectively encode, store, and retrieve information to reduce absentmindedness.

Want more information about upskilling more effectively? This video was just a small portion of the LinkedIn Learning course, Strategies to Learn and Upskill More Effectively (1h).

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.