
The Importance of Validation

Disagreements happen, but there are ways to make the most out of conflict in the workplace. The importance of pausing and validation can be a powerful tool to help you shift a potential disagreement into a conversation. Listen to this 3:13 min audio clip to learn more about this technique to help you develop your reflective listening skills.

Would you like to learn more? Listen to the comprehensive course on Making the Most of Conflict.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Capitalize on Collaboration for Team Building

When you think of all the skills you could work on to advance your career, how often do you think about being a valuable team member? Almost never? In reality, working well with a team involves more than just a frame of mind, it takes a specific set of skills. This 2:52 min video clip will explain ways to build culture on the teams by fostering collaboration, navigating conflict, and creating an environment of psychological safety.

Don’t stop here though, check out other videos in the series to learn more about how to capitalize on collaboration for team building.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Harness Strategic Thinking Strategies to Innovative, Communicate, and Problem Solve

Explore this 3:10 min video clip and be inspired by AJ Eckstein to learn how to creatively problem-solve by adapting a beginner lens to welcome challenges with an open mind, while letting go of pre-conceived notions and assumptions.

Do you struggle when it comes to problem-solving? Would you like to think more strategically? In the rest of this course, you will be guided through a simple 3-part process with actionable tips on how to think like a consultant and solve problems both at work and in your personal life. From identifying the root cause of a problem to organizing your thinking to solve a problem to communicating effective solutions, a variety of creative methods and strategies and introduced that you can lean on. Some examples include using the 80/20 rule for maximum impact, the MECE principle to organize your thinking, and creating issue trees and decision trees to break down problems and make good decisions.

Have questions? Suggestions for future Employee Learning Moments? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Utilizing the Best Approach for Conducive Collaborative Work

Is collaborative work challenging in your flex-work environment? To determine which of the four approaches best suits your needs (and the needs of your team) depends on what must be accomplished, and the nature of the work required. To improve communication and to optimize cross-functional collaboration, check out this 2:56 min video clip, One-minute Habit for Effective Collaboration.

Thinking of planning your next collaboration approach? Watch the 31 minute course: One-Minute Habits for Hybrid and Remote Working Success

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.


Playing to your Strengths

We are happier, more confident, and more self-aware and productive when we focus on our strengths rather than our weaknesses. Real strengths are activities that strengthen you internally. They leave you feeling energized rather than depleted. Watch this 2:10 minute video clip to learn how you can be a team culture creator, and find ways to contribute your strengths to your team.

Enjoying the course? Watch all twelve videos on Teamwork Essentials: Stand Out as a Valuable Team Member.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Rethinking Connection in the Virtual Workplace

If your team is disengaged and disconnected, achieving business goals is challenging. This 3:08 min video clip will help you recognize the importance of social connection within your team and offer suggestions on how to foster that connection in a virtual/remote work environment.

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Virtual Collaboration-How to Make it Work!

Looking for practical strategies to collaborate more effectively across teams, departments and Schools in our remote learning and working environment? Check out this 4:01 min video clip to explore 6 key tips on how you and your team can address the challenges of virtual collaboration.

NEW! Subscribe to our weekly ELM blog by submitting your email address to the ELM Email Feed and never miss a single Employee Learning Moment release!

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.

Understanding Introversion & Extroversion

This 3:42 min video clip will help you to understand the difference between introversion and extroversion, how these two temperaments affect communication choices, and how flexing one’s communication style can help make working together more effective.

NEW! Subscribe to our weekly ELM blog by submitting your email address to the ELM Email Feed and never miss a single Employee Learning Moment release!

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.