Practice Presentations in MS PowerPoint with Presentation Coach

Are you seeking help with Presentation ‘best practices’? How is your presentation pacing and pitch? How about your use of sensitive speech and fillers like ‘Uhms’ and ‘Uhhs’? In this 2:51 min video clip you will discover the Presentation Coach feature in Microsoft PowerPoint. Once you select ‘Rehearse with Coach,’ this feature will guide your practice in realtime. providing you with a rehearsal report to review.

Please note, this feature is ONLY available via the WEB version of MS Office 365 suite, which requires you to login with your College credentials: Step by Step Instructions to Log in to

To access this video, simply click on the link above, or, if you are new to LinkedIn Learning, please visit this link for more information.

Have questions? Suggestions for employee learning? Contact the Centre for Organizational Learning.


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