Contractor Permits

Rules and Regulations

Contractors can purchase a Contractor permit for Lot 12 or a Multi lot permit for more flexibility. Permission to park in another area other than that which is covered by the Contractor permit or the Multi lot permit will require a specially marked permit from Parking Services. Contractors parked outside the Contractor permit areas without displaying the Special permit, or without having written permission from Parking Services, will be subject to a City of Ottawa Parking Infraction Notice.

Contractors needing their vehicle (i.e. a generator fixed in the back of a pickup truck) to perform the work they were contracted for will be allowed to park in the vicinity of the work area. A clearly marked pass must identify them. Contracted staff who are on the campus to supply manpower or workforce labor, must park their vehicles in the designated area for contractor parking, no exceptions.

Contractors showing disregard for College property by driving over curbed areas where access is restricted, parking on grassy or maintained areas, disregarding parking rules and regulations, or repeatedly parking outside the Contractor permitted lots, without written permission from Parking Services, will have their pass revoked on the spot by Algonquin Parking Enforcement. Contractors in contravention of the City bylaws where a designated Fire Route or No Parking Zone is located will be subject to a City of Ottawa Infraction Notice. Subsequent notices will render the contractor permit invalid.

Contractors who have had their pass revoked or suspended must purchase a Contractor multi-lot parking permit. This cannot be invoiced back to the College. This will allow them to park in Lot 8, or 9.

These regulations will be strictly enforced. During the summer months this regulation can be relaxed only with the written permission of Parking Services. No other department or College personnel can authorize contractors to disregard these rules and regulations. Those contractors found to be in violation of this regulation will be subject to a City of Ottawa Parking Infraction. Those in repeated violation will be towed from the property.