Post-Orientation Events

At Algonquin College, we offer a wide variety of free virtual events for students to get connected and stay connected while we ensure the health and safety of our learners during these times of social distancing. Sign up for these awesome virtual activities happening after AC Day 1 to get the most out of your college experience.

More events will be added here soon, stay tuned!

Upcoming Events

May 3 -14, Various Times • Student Learning Centre Workshops

The Student Learning Centre offers various workshops to develop and strengthen fundamental skills such as research, writing, math, digital skills, and study skills to help you succeed in your classes and career.

Getting Started with Brightspace

In this workshop, you will learn how to sign in and navigate Brightspace, the online platform for your courses, so you are comfortable using it. The workshop covers how to access your course material, submit assignments, take quizzes, see your grades, and more.

Getting Started with Zoom

In this workshop, you will learn about the Zoom video conferencing tool and how to use it. It covers the basic etiquette rules for attending class and meetings on Zoom. You will also learn how to set up your Zoom account, adjust your account settings for security, schedule your own zoom meetings, work with your classmates, and access the Zoom classroom.

Email and Microsoft 365

In this workshop, you will learn about your student email. It will also introduce you to some of the Microsoft 365 apps, like Word and Teams, that you can access through your email account and explain how they can help you in your studies.

Choose a time slot that works for you.

Sign up now!

Presented by the Student Learning Centre.

Mondays, 12:05pm – 12:50pm • Online Lunchtime Yoga

Taking care of your mental and physical health is essential at this time. To help ease some stress and anxiety, join our free yoga from 12:05pm to 12:50pm every Monday from May 10 until August 16! These relaxing sessions are open to students and employees. No experience necessary.

Check it out!

Presented by Health Services.

Check out more upcoming events!

Please note: All activities subject to change.