Community and Justice Services
Choose a career that teaches you to fight for social justice!
- Program is taught by facilitators who are actively involved in the field
- Courses are built with flexibility in mind and can be accessed anytime and from anywhere
- Students complete a twelve-week block placement in a community and/or justice service agency during the last semester in the program
Program Availability and Schedule
Availability varies by course. Click here to view availability for courses in this program.
Given the part-time delivery of this program, there is not a standard schedule for all learners.
Program Summary
Program Code
Area of Interest
Other Campuses
Other Delivery Options
Work Integrated Learning
Eligible for Post-Graduation
Work Permit?
The Community and Justice Services Ontario College Diploma program emphasizes alternatives to policing and prisons and teaches students skills to work with people and communities to address issues such as criminalization, poverty, affordable housing scarcity, food insecurity and immigration. Through theory and practical experiences, the program teaches you to work with people and communities in ways that respect their inherent dignity and humanity. Learn to understand the historical, political and economic forces that create these social justice issues.
In this program, you develop skills such as critical analysis, advocacy, community organizing, group facilitation, conflict mediation, and individual support work with adults, youth and children. You learn the importance of addressing issues not just on an individual level, but also at a community-based level. Woven throughout the program is a commitment to human rights, social justice, and alternatives to policing and prisons. Study topics include:...(read more)
Choose a career that teaches you to fight for social justice!
The Community and Justice Services Ontario College Diploma program emphasizes alternatives to policing and prisons and teaches students skills to work with people and communities to address issues such as criminalization, poverty, affordable housing scarcity, food insecurity and immigration. Through theory and practical experiences, the program teaches you to work with people and communities in ways that respect their inherent dignity and humanity. Learn to understand the historical, political and economic forces that create these social justice issues.
In this program, you develop skills such as critical analysis, advocacy, community organizing, group facilitation, conflict mediation, and individual support work with adults, youth and children. You learn the importance of addressing issues not just on an individual level, but also at a community-based level. Woven throughout the program is a commitment to human rights, social justice, and alternatives to policing and prisons. Study topics include:
- Indigenous studies
- anti-racism/anti-oppression
- gender and sexuality studies
- disability justice
- trauma-informed practices
- addiction and harm reduction
- mental health
- community building practices
As a student, you participate in a field placement experience in the community and justice field. In this placement, you identify, practise and integrate skills and theory that you have learned in the program.
To qualify for this diploma, you must complete the program within six years.
This program is well-suited for students who:
- Have an interest in social justice and working towards change in their community.
- Have a commitment to anti-racism.
- Have a strong sense of empathy for others.
- Are collaborative and comfortable working and learning in group environments.
- Can work independently.
Read this before applying:
This program is undergoing changes for the 23/24 academic year. If you began this program prior to Fall 2023, please refer to the Academic Planner or Archived Program Information to confirm the courses required for your Program of Study. Please also refer to policy AA39: Program Progression and Graduation Requirements if you are planning on taking a break for two or more consecutive terms. If you require assistance, you can contact your Student Advisor (if you are a full-time online student) or your Program Support Officer (if you are a part-time online student) at
Registration Note:
If you would like to take courses individually or start the program part time, you are not required to apply to the program. You can register for up to three courses per term by clicking on the course title and selecting “Register Online”.
Online ![]() |
COR1834 Canadian Legal System 1
In order to support clients, it is necessary to understand the systems and institutions which have significant and often harmful impact on their lives. Students critically examine the different components of the Canadian criminal legal system. Students become familiar with how these components relate to each other, and how legislation impacts the system as a whole. Through assignments and presentations, students explore contemporary issues relating to the field.
COR1910 Social Justice Seminar
When working in the community and justice field, it is essential to understand the impact of systemic oppression on people's lives. Students explore a range of social justice issues and deepen empathy for people impacted by these issues. Using self-reflective practices, students examine personal beliefs, feelings, and experiences that inform their perspectives on these issues. Students learn about the historical, social and economic forces that have led to the development of these social justice issues and learn to apply an anti-racist/anti-oppressive lens to understand and discuss social change. Through a variety of activities including group discussions, videos, articles, and personal journals, students begin to understand the ways in which belief systems can impact professional practice with marginalized communities.
COR1914 Community and Justice Resources
Those working in the community and justice field must have a strong awareness of the resources and services available to support the people with whom they work. Students explore community supports and programs available for youth and adults. This includes community and social services, alternatives to incarceration, programs inside institutions, as well as after-care and transitional housing programs. Topics are discussed in a seminar-type learning environment, enhanced by guest speakers from various community and institutional resources.
COR1917 Indigenous Studies
It is essential that workers in the community and justice field have knowledge and understanding of colonization and its impacts on the people with whom we work. Students explore the relationships between Indigenous peoples and settler communities within the context of colonization. Students learn about the legislation and oppressive practices which have had and continue to have an impact on Indigenous people in Canada. These impacts include the Indian Act, residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, contemporary approaches to child protective services and the over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the criminal justice system. Additionally, students examine cultural practices and symbols, self-determination, self-governance, the treaty-making process, as well as resistance and change movements.
COR1919 Interviewing and Counselling Skills
Community and justice workers require a toolkit of counselling approaches to support the people with whom they work. Students develop basic individual support skills widely used in the community and justice field. Students examine approaches and interventions which foster strong and collaborative relationships with clients, including those skills associated with anti-oppressive practice. These skills are developed through a variety of learning approaches, including lectures, role plays, discussions, videos, and small group activities.
COR1959 Community Building Practices
Flourishing communities tend to have strong community support systems in place. Students develop an understanding of the foundations of community development by building community with each other and examining concepts of safety and belonging. Students also explore and develop a process for engaging in generative conflict. Through experiential activities, students examine how to centre accessibility in community building and how to engage in practices that address systemic and structural issues in our communities.
ENL1813A Communications I
Communication remains an essential skill sought by employers, regardless of discipline or field of study. Using a practical, vocation-oriented approach, students focus on meeting the requirements of effective communication. Through a combination of lectures, exercises, and independent learning, students practise writing, speaking, reading, listening, locating and documenting information, and using technology to communicate professionally. Students develop and strengthen communication skills that contribute to success in both educational and workplace environments.
GED5007 Transatlantic Slavery and Its Abolition
The effects of transatlantic slavery, which began in the 15th century and was not abolished until the 19th, are still present in contemporary social, political and economic systems. In this course, students are provided with a chronological understanding of the transatlantic slave trade that charts: 1) its creation and its economic underpinnings in European and American power and wealth; 2) the resistance to slavery and its eventual abolition; and 3) the afterlife of slavery in the present day. Through class discussion, examination of academic and non-academic literature, and analysis of images and videos, students will be introduced to the history and continuing legacy of the transatlantic slave trade.
COR1740 Mental Health
The ways in which various systems (e.g. criminal justice, income assistance, health, education, child welfare, etc.) have been established means that those with mental health disabilities are more likely to come into contact with the law. Coming into contact with the law can also lead to significant mental health distress. Students examine how the community and justice field supports people with mental health disabilities. Students recognize some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with mental health disabilities. Essential information on mental health, including an understanding of assessment and treatment options is explored. Students develop a strengths-based approach to work with clients with mental health disabilities and examine the impacts of stigma, social isolation, and poverty on mental health and wellbeing.
COR1800 Sexuality and Gender Studies
In order to be an effective community and justice services worker, one must have strong skills to work with people from a wide variety of diverse sexual and gender orientations. Students have the opportunity to discuss themes related to sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Students learn to self-reflect and unpack their internalized beliefs and the societal norms that influence the way that they view topics relating to gender and sexuality. They also learn practical skills to work with diverse clients in a way that is respectful and values their dignity.
COR1803 Disability Justice
Disability justice is an intersectional movement started by queer, disabled, people of colour. Students examine the principles of disability justice, explore ableism and accessibility, and take stock of the ways in which this impacts people every day. They also look at the connections between ableism, white supremacy and capitalism, as well as the impact of state violence on people with disabilities. There is an opportunity to hear from a variety of people with different disabled identities through videos, readings and guest speakers. Students develop an understanding of what solidarity work looks like and learn practical ways to make the programs and services that they offer in the field more accessible.
COR1835 Canadian Legal System 2
In the Community and Justice Services field, many clients have experience with the carceral system. Students learn more about this system and how it impacts people. Students develop an understanding of the organizational framework of federal and provincial prisons. Through a critical perspective, emphasis is on the many structural reasons why people become involved in or return to the criminal legal system.
COR1916 Group Facilitation
Community and justice workers are often expected to facilitate groups when working in the field. Students cultivate a capacity to plan and facilitate effective groups. Emphasis is on holding space for people in a group setting to communicate, support, or collaborate with each other. Through applied learning activities, students develop the skills to prepare them for group facilitation in the field.
Pre-requisites: COR1919
COR1960 Trauma-Informed Practice
It is essential for community and justice workers to have a solid understanding of and empathy for the ways in which trauma can impact behaviour. Using a strengths-based perspective, students develop an understanding of the connection between trauma and criminalization. They focus on the relational and systemic components of trauma including: intergenerational trauma, interpersonal violence, trauma of oppression and colonization, as well as war and genocide. Students learn interventions that support clients to find a sense of safety in the present and connect with resources. Students also examine vicarious trauma and the importance of self-care to this work.
COR1961 Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression
An essential component of community and justice work includes supporting people dealing with systemic barriers to accessing the resources needed to thrive. Many people who continuously face oppression in everyday life also struggle with issues of social identity and self-worth due to internalized oppression. Focus is on developing tools and strategies to support these clients, specifically anti-racist and anti-classist practices. Students hear from guest speakers and engage in role plays, group activities and resource sharing to better enhance their anti-oppressive skill set.
Pre-requisites: COR1910 AND COR1917
ENL1823A Communications II
Students continue to develop their workplace writing and speaking skills. Students learn the protocols to write request letters, daily logs, occurrence reports, proposals and meeting minutes. They prepare for field placement and workplace interviews by creating resumes and undergoing a situational-style job interview. Students also complete a variety of role-play exercises designed to prepare them for speaking tasks in the field, such as participation in meetings and delivery of educational workshops.
Pre-requisites: ENL1813A
COR1801 Ethics and Professional Practice
Ethical guidelines inform the day-to-day decisions made by people working in the community and justice field. Focus is on supporting students to develop an ethical decision-making compass based on client rights as well as agency and ministry standards. Students also have the opportunity to sharpen their skills in professional practice in preparation for transitioning into their placement.
COR1802 Working with Children, Youth and Families
The skills required to work with children, youth, and families are essential in the community and justice field. Students examine developmentally appropriate approaches to working with children, youth, and caregivers, as well as inclusive practices to support diverse families. Students also have an opportunity to better understand family dynamics and the ways in which family struggles are influenced by forces of oppression.
Pre-requisites: COR1916 AND COR1919
COR1804 Advocacy and Crisis Prevention
Trauma-informed practice is a strengths-based approach that focuses on safety, relationship, choice, collaboration and empowerment as well as respect for diversity. It supports community and justice workers to understand how the experiences of clients may shape the ways in which they engage in the system. Students develop trauma-informed case management and advocacy. Student management which is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, systems navigation, and care coordination. They also develop advocacy skills and develop an understanding of how learning appropriate Legislation can assist with this process.
Pre-requisites: COR1919 AND COR1960
COR1805 Land-Based Social Justice Education
Land-based social justice education can be used to support the wellbeing of people whom we work with in the community and justice field. People who are impacted by the criminal legal system are typically also impacted by other oppressive forces such as colonization, white supremacy, and racial capitalism. Land-based social justice education focuses on learning from the Land in ways that are inherently decolonial. Students have the opportunity to learn Land-based social justice education practices in the context of connecting with the Land. An emphasis will be placed on Indigenous voices and cross-cultural Land-based social justice practices that inherently promote wellbeing for the people whom we work with.
COR1806 Immigration & Settlement
Many of the people that we work with in the field find themselves at the intersections between the criminal legal system and the immigration system. It is essential that community and justice workers gain the skills to support and advocate for newcomers. Students examine the history of migration to Canada and understand how it is connected to the racialization process. They look at settlement, the pressures to become 'Canadian' and examine the barriers that many newcomers face due to the inherent exclusionary design of the system. Through the use of guest speakers, case studies and role play opportunities, students develop their skills for supporting newcomers.
COR1807 Transformative Justice
Transformative justice is an approach for responding to violence at the grassroots level without relying on policing and prisons. Students learn about alternatives to the criminal legal system, discussing the history of abolition in Canada and why it is important to Community and Justice Services work. They also examine restorative justice within the community and criminal legal system.
COR1949 Addictions and Harm Reduction
Substance use should be viewed as occurring on a continuum. As a result, the addiction and recovery support that an individual can seek will vary from person to person. Students learn to work from a client-centered, trauma-informed perspective to support a wide variety of clients dealing with substance use-related challenges. Students also develop competency in harm reduction as well as other addiction counselling modalities. Emphasis is on de-pathologizing and de-stigmatizing narratives associated with drug use as well as anti-racism/anti-oppression. Students have the opportunity to learn from a variety of mediums including guest speakers, videos, discussions, small group activities, and lectures.
Pre-requisites: COR1960
ENV0002 Environmental Citizenship
Environmental citizenship is based on the principles of national citizenship, yet it goes beyond political borders to emphasize global environmental rights and responsibilities. An environmental citizen is committed to learning more about the environment and to taking responsible environmental action. Through a combination of interactive activities, assignments and discussions, students learn how they are personally connected with current environmental issues. Students are also encouraged to adopt attitudes and behaviours that foster global environmental responsibility.
COR1963 Integrative Seminar
In preparation for the employment search, students need to be able to articulate their skillset. Students participate in a two-week intensive course that brings together theory and practice, and provides students with the opportunity to integrate the learning they have had over the two-year Community and Justice Services program. Students develop the skills necessary to clearly and concisely articulate the skillset they have developed during their participation in the CJS program.
Pre-requisites: COR1740 AND COR1800 AND COR1801 AND COR1802 AND COR1803 AND COR1804 AND COR1805 AND COR1806 AND COR1807 AND COR1834 AND COR1835 AND COR1910 AND COR1914 AND COR1916 AND COR1917 AND COR1919 AND COR1949 AND COR1959 AND COR1960 AND COR1961 AND ENL1813A AND ENL1823A
COR1965 Field Placement
Authentic work experiences provide students with a realistic perspective of a career and provide potential employers with much-desired experience with respect to new employees. Students work in a community or justice services agency selected by the faculty in consultation with the student. This is an opportunity for students to integrate theory and practice. The completion of practicum is based on an assessment of performance by faculty in consultation with the fieldwork supervisor and the student.
Pre-requisites: COR1740 AND COR1800 AND COR1801 AND COR1802 AND COR1803 AND COR1804 AND COR1805 AND COR1806 AND COR1807 AND COR1834 AND COR1835 AND COR1910 AND COR1914 AND COR1916 AND COR1917 AND COR1919 AND COR1949 AND COR1959 AND COR1960 AND COR1961 AND ENL1813A AND ENL1823A
Co-requisites: COR1966
COR1966 Field Placement Seminar
Reflective practice provides opportunities for growth and development for all participants. Students have the opportunity to make connections between the theory they have learned in the first three semesters of study and their practical experience in field placement. Students learn from each other's direct experience. Through group discussions and self-reflection opportunities, students continue to build skills as community and justice workers in preparation for employment opportunities in the future.
Pre-requisites: COR1740 AND COR1800 AND COR1801 AND COR1802 AND COR1803 AND COR1804 AND COR1805 AND COR1806 AND COR1807 AND COR1834 AND COR1835 AND COR1910 AND COR1914 AND COR1916 AND COR1917 AND COR1919 AND COR1949 AND COR1959 AND COR1960 AND COR1961 AND ENL1813A AND ENL1823A
Co-requisites: COR1965
Careers & Pathways
Graduates may find employment in: community-based agencies offering programs and support to youth and/or adults who need services related to issues such as: mental health; family violence; addictions; disability supports; resettlement; employment; housing.
Please note: There may be more pathways available for this program than are listed here. Please use our Pathways search tool to see every option.
Learning Outcomes
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
- Communicate in a manner consistent with professional ethics and practice, and a respect for self, others, and relevant law, policies and legislation.
- Employ all relevant static and dynamic safety and security techniques to ensure the protection of the public, staff, and clients in institutional, residential, and community settings.
- Intervene with clients, individually and in groups, in order to address and manage barriers to promote inclusion, positive growth and personal development.
- Collect information, observe, monitor, record and assess client behaviour accurately in compliance with legal and organizational requirements.
- Assist in the prevention, management and resolution of conflict, crises, and emergency situations using intervention strategies as prescribed by relevant legislative requirements and industry certification and/or standards.
- Develop and maintain positive working relationships with colleagues, supervisors and community justice stakeholders to maintain a productive, professional and safe working environment.
- Engage in program planning, implementation, assessment, and evaluation to meet the needs of clients, staff, community and administration within the context of an interdisciplinary setting.
- Apply knowledge of the history, philosophy, and diverse models of corrective action, of detention, rehabilitation, and reintegration to decision-making and institutional practices.
- Develop and implement self-care strategies using self-awareness, self-inquiry and reflection.
- Work in a manner consistent with professional ethics demonstrating respect for self, others and relevant legislation, policies and procedures in a multi-disciplinary workplace.
- Assess and respond to the strengths and needs of clients, including complex responses impacted by mental health, addictions and other social factors in order to support and promote positive change.
- Promote inclusive practices within community and justice services to increase understanding within the community and meet the needs of diverse populations.
- Identify and apply discipline-specific practices that contribute to the local and global community through social responsibility, economic commitment and environmental stewardship.
Tuition & Fees
2024/2025 Academic Year
Fees are subject to change.
Fees for part-time programs are charged on a course-by-course basis and are published on each individual course page. For questions related to fees, please call the Registrar's Office at 613-727-0002.
Graduation Fee:
Once you have completed all the courses in the program, it is the responsibility of the student to complete a credential application ( A graduation fee is charged when the application is submitted. After your credential application has been approved, you will be invited to Convocation.
Additional program related expenses include:
- The cost of books and supplies is approximately $1,400 over the program duration. For more information visit
- Students going out of town for field placements may need to account for additional living expenses.
Admissions Requirements
All applicants must satisfy both College Eligibility and Program Eligibility requirements.
College Eligibility
The following requirements are recommended to ensure success in the program:
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent; OR
- Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) certificate; OR
- General Educational Development (GED) certificate; OR
- Mature Student status (19 years of age or older and without a high school diploma at the start of the program).
Program Eligibility
The following requirement is recommended to ensure success in the program:
- English, Grade 12 (ENG4C or equivalent).
- It is recommended applicants with international transcripts have the following IELTS, TOEFL or Duolingo scores to ensure success: IELTS-International English Language Testing Service (Academic) Overall band of 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each band; OR TOEFL-Internet-based (iBT) Overall 80, with a minimum of 20 in each component: Reading 20; Listening 20; Speaking 20; Writing 20; OR Duolingo English Test (DET) Overall 110, minimum of 110 in Literacy and no score below 95.
Though not an admission requirement, applicants must note the important information listed below regarding program-specific requirements.
This applies to all students studying on-campus and online.
Upon admission to the program, all students must submit current (no older than six months) Criminal Records Checks, and complete the College's Health Assessment process, which includes ensuring that immunizations are up to date.
Any student studying in any level two courses over the summer will NOT be eligible for field placement until all credits have been successfully completed. This means that students who successfully complete their level two studies by the end of April will be given first consideration during the field placement selection process.
Successful completion of field placement is a requirement for graduation from the Community and Justice Services program. Agencies that provide placement opportunities require you to have a clear Police Records Check for Service with the Vulnerable Sector (PRCSVS). Your acceptance for placement is at the discretion of the agency. If you register in the program without a clear PRCSVS and as a result are unable to participate in placement, you will not be able to graduate.
You are required to obtain passing grades in all program courses in order to proceed, and if you fail 3 or more courses, you will not be allowed to continue in the program.
To be eligible for placement, all third-level students must:
- have completed of all Levels 01, 02 and 03 courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.0
- submit a Police Records Check (for work with vulnerable populations), a copy of which will be required by the placement agency
- complete the Health Assessment process for returning students, which includes ensuring that immunizations are up to date; placement agencies may require a copy of current immunization records as well
- provide proof of certification in standard First Aid/CPR (which must be valid upon graduation)
Note: Acceptance for placement is at the discretion of appropriate and approved program partner agencies. Also, it is the responsibility of the student to pay for and obtain all program- and placement-required documents and certifications.
Application Information
Read this before applying:
This program is undergoing changes for the 23/24 academic year. If you began this program prior to Fall 2023, please refer to the Academic Planner or Archived Program Information to confirm the courses required for your Program of Study. Please also refer to policy AA39: Program Progression and Graduation Requirements if you are planning on taking a break for two or more consecutive terms. If you require assistance, you can contact your Student Advisor (if you are a full-time online student) or your Program Support Officer (if you are a part-time online student) at
Registration Note:
If you would like to take courses individually or start the program part time, you are not required to apply to the program. You can register for up to three courses per term by clicking on the course title and selecting “Register Online”.
Additional Information
Program Resources
International students wishing to study online should visit for information related to International online students and for International fees information prior to registering. Please note that AC Online programs do not qualify international students for new study permits or study permit extensions.
The Community and Justice Services program has numerous articulation agreements with university programs. Students may find further information on degree pathways at
There is one placement required in the final semester of the CJS program. This placement will prepare students for a career in the field with a community or justice-based agency. Placement runs for 12 weeks and students will be required to complete 32-36 hours per week with the agency they are placed with. The schedule is determined directly by the agency and students should be prepared to be available for the time requirement of the placement course.
Students complete one twelve-week block field placement in a community service agency during the fourth semester of the program.
In order to be eligible for placement, students must meet the following requirements prior to the placement deadline:
- Academic Clearance: Students will be required to complete Levels 01, 02, and 03 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in order to be academically eligible to participate in placement.
- Placement Request Form: Students are required to submit a placement request form prior to the placement deadline.
- ParaMed Clearance: Students are required to meet the following medical and non-medical requirements. Upon completion, these requirements must be confirmed through ParaMed, our partner organization: a. Immunization Records; b. Level 3 Police Records Check for Service with the Vulnerable Sector (PRCSVS); c. Standard First Aid/CPR Level C.
Further placement information for online students can be found on the Online Field Placement Centre:
The Academic Planner provides registered part-time students the ability to declare into a program of study. The Academic Planner outlines successfully completed courses to date, as well as courses that need to be completed in order to meet graduation requirements. It is therefore, essential that all part-time students declare to their program of study, allowing administrators to plan course offerings. The tool is available on ACSIS, located under 'Part-time Students' on the left-hand toolbar.
Students who wish to apply for PLAR need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all of the course learning requirements. Evidence of learning achievements for PLAR candidates may include a comprehensive challenge examination and/or completion of a portfolio.
As per policy AA39: Program Progression and Graduation Requirements when students are admitted to a program, they are assigned to the Program of Study that aligns with their start date. If a student takes a break for two or more consecutive terms the Program of Study is reset to align with the current version (when studies are resumed).
Future Students
For additional information, please contact our Customer Service Representative team at and they will direct you to the best person to answer your specific questions.
Current Students
For additional information, please reference the AC Online Circle of Care.