Adult Learning

Course: TAC5112

This course is part of the following part-time on campus and/or online program(s):

In this course students are provided practical insight on key adult learning theories. Students examine the characteristics of adult learners that affect learning, explore the emotional, cognitive, social and physical aspects of learning, study a variety of learning cycles, and identify their own preferred learning style. Finally, this course introduces strategies and models of facilitation to accommodate the variety of ways in which adults prefer to learn. Adult Learning is the foundation of the Teaching and Training Certificate Program and must be taken first.


Sections 841, 842, 843, and 844 require you to register in the month prior to the course start date.

Online LearningRequired Books for Online Learning
SectionDate(s)ModeDomestic FeesRegistration
800 Jan 14 - Apr 22Online$410.42Register Online
842 Mar 3 - Jun 9Online$410.42Register Online

Please Note: Off-shore international students enrolling in online courses will be subject to an international premium fee per course registration.

Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable, or campus location at any time.