Course: COR1966

This course is part of the following part-time on campus and/or online program(s):

Reflective practice provides opportunities for growth and development for all participants. Students have the opportunity to make connections between the theory they have learned in the first three semesters of study and their practical experience in field placement. Students learn from each other's direct experience. Through group discussions and self-reflection opportunities, students continue to build skills as community and justice workers in preparation for employment opportunities in the future.


This seminar course requires an approval process, online registration is not available. Please visit the Field Placement Centre in the semester prior to your placement to determine all eligibility requirements have been met in order to register for this course. 

Students must register for COR1965 Field Placement in the same term as these courses are corequisites. 


COR1740 and COR1800 and COR1801 and COR1802 and COR1803 and COR1804 and COR1805 and COR1806 and COR1807 and COR1834 and COR1835 and COR1910 and COR1914 and COR1916 and COR1917 and COR1919 and COR1949 and COR1959 and COR1960 and COR1961 and ENL1813A and ENL1823A


FALL 2024
Online Learning
SectionDate(s)ModeDomestic FeesRegistration
800 Sep 16 - Oct 6Online$126.00* See footnote

Please Note: Off-shore international students enrolling in online courses will be subject to an international premium fee per course registration.

* Online registration is not available for this section.

Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable, or campus location at any time.