
Take Business programs online and choose the delivery that works for you. Browse this page to see a list of all the Business programs that are available online.

Full-time Online

If you have time to study 30 to 40 hours a week then full-time online might be right for you. This delivery allows you to complete a program as fast as possible. We offer three per year, Fall (September), Winter (January), and Spring (May), meaning you can study all year round or take a break if you'd like.

Part-time Online

If you work full-time or part-time and would prefer to devote 3 to 5 hours per week on your studies then part-time online might be better suited for you. You can choose a course from within a program or a stand-alone course that will help you bolster your skills in a particular area. Studying part-time online lets you work toward your credential at a pace that works for you.

Bi-Monthly Intake Programs

Some programs are offered beginning every other month so you can start studying when you are ready, without having to wait until the next semester.

Certificates and Diplomas

Additional Software Courses