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Algonquin College learners hit the streets to raise funds for Operation Come Home

community justice students sitting on downtown steps as they participate in fundraiser to raise money for homeless.

Oct. 17, 2024, Ottawa — On Friday, Oct. 18, 2024, students from Algonquin College’s Community and Justice Services program will congregate in Minto Park near Elgin Street for 24 hours as part of Operation Come Home’s 24 Hours of Homelessness event. During this time, students will beg for money to raise funds and awareness for Ottawa’s homeless population. Continue reading Algonquin College learners hit the streets to raise funds for Operation Come Home

Algonquin College graduates join Queen’s University peers through engineering diploma-to-degree pathway

OTTAWA (Oct. 1, 2024) – Algonquin College joins the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) in celebrating the inaugural cohort of students in the Smith Engineering Bridge pathway, who have successfully transitioned from a diploma to a degree program and joined their peers in the Smith Engineering Faculty.

The bridge pathway is a route for graduates of an advanced diploma in Engineering Technology to transfer into an upper year of the civil, mining, mechanical or chemical degree programs offered by Smith Engineering at Queen’s University. This pathway is a faster and more cost-effective route to becoming a professional engineer in Ontario, in comparison to completing a standalone degree after college.

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Algonquin College to honour accomplished graduates at annual Alumni of Distinction Awards

Alumni of Distinction Awards banner


OTTAWA (September 24, 2024) – Algonquin College will celebrate the achievements of 10 distinguished graduates and one top employer at the College’s annual Alumni of Distinction Awards in the Algonquin Commons Theatre on October 24, 2024.

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Algonquin College Prepares to Mark National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Sept. 30

Algonquin College is recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30 with a variety of engaging and meaningfulOrange title card with the words National Day for Truth and Reconciliation activities and events at the College’s Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke campuses.

  • Ottawa Campus Recognition Ceremony
    10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., Nawapon (C100)

President and CEO Claude Brulé will speak about the College’s commitment to TRI. Professor of Indigenous Education Sarah Wright will speak about why Sept. 30 is recognized and then read The Orange Shirt Story by Phyllis Webstad for the Early Learning Centre children and employees. Continue reading Algonquin College Prepares to Mark National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Sept. 30

Nokia Canada donates over $530,000 in cutting-edge technology to Algonquin College, building an industry ecosystem of innovation


Nokia Canada donates over $530,000 in cutting-edge technology to Algonquin College, building an industry ecosystem of innovation

TTAWA (Sept. 23, 2024)
In a demonstration of their continued commitment to empowering students and driving innovation, Nokia Canada has donated over $530,000 in carrier-grade equipment to Algonquin College’s Computer Systems Technology and Networking programs. This generous gift is the latest in a long-standing partnership that exemplifies the power of collaboration between academia and industry, ensuring that students are prepared to make an impact in their fields from day one.

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Algonquin College Kwey Indigenous Video Language Series  returns ahead of National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 

Sept. 4, 2024, Ottawa, ON – Algonquin College has welcomed back more than just its students this fall. The Kwey Indigenous VideoGreen background with Kwey in large font. Small pictographs of Indigenous animals in background pattern Language Series has returned with new video content, reaffirming the college’s commitment to embracing the traditional Anishinàbe Algonquin language on campus.

The video series is called Kwey, an Algonquin greeting that means hello. Launched in June 2024, the videos expanded on the College’s commitment to language revitalization to enhance and increase hearing and speaking the Anishinábe Algonquin language.

The newest collection continues this promise with topics including greetings and salutations and cultural information around smudging, community circles and the Seven Grandfather Teachings, which are Anishinàbe Algonquin Nation principles to live by. Continue reading Algonquin College Kwey Indigenous Video Language Series  returns ahead of National Day of Truth and Reconciliation 

Two Algonquin College buildings receive prestigious LEED sustainable building certifications

Ottawa, Aug. 15, 2024Algonquin College is proud to announce that two of its buildings have received prestigious and globally recognized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certifications, showcasing the College’s commitment to green building and environmental sustainability.

After extensive review from the Canada Green Building Council, which administers LEED in Canada, the College’s Jack Doyle Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC) has earned LEED Silver certification, and its DARE District achieved LEED Gold certification. These buildings join the growing ranks of the College’s LEED-recognized structures, alongside the Gold Certified Perth and Pembroke campus buildings and the Platinum Certified Algonquin Centre for Construction Excellence. This means that every College building opened since 2011 has received LEED recognition — a monumental achievement.

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Four Algonquin College Indigenous students return from Turtle Island Indigenous Cultural Exchange Project in Australia

For Immediate ReleaseAlgonquin College students visit the University of Wollongong in Australia

Aug. 1, 2024, Ottawa, ONT — Four Algonquin College students recently returned to Ottawa from studying in Wollongong, Australia, for two and a half weeks after participating in a for-credit study abroad experience at the University of Wollongong.

Students embarked on the transformative two-week study tour in Wollongong, where they were exposed to an immersive exploration into the rich tapestry of Indigenous Australia. Highlights included a visit to the Daintree Rainforest, where they participated in a “Welcome to Country” and “Dreamtime Walk,” as well as Stories with Elders and Rangers, a whale watching cruise with First Nations experts, a guest lecture on Indigenous whale stories and a guest lecture with Indigenous artist Josie Atkinson-Flanders about using art for sharing stories and activism. Continue reading Four Algonquin College Indigenous students return from Turtle Island Indigenous Cultural Exchange Project in Australia

Algonquin College and SpacesShared create new homesharing option for  students 

OTTAWA, July 31, 2024 – Algonquin College is proudly teaming up with SpacesShared, an innovative online homesharing platform, to help solve the growing challenge of affordable student housing on its Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke campuses.  

SpacesShared uses an online platform and a team of people to match students who are looking for safe and affordable homesharing with hosts. This service is now available to Algonquin College students.  

“We’re delighted to work with SpacesShared because it will provide additional housing options to our learners,” said Brittany Moore, Algonquin College Student Housing Co-ordinator. “Where you choose to live during your studies is an important decision and different options serve different needs for different learners. SpacesShared is an option for learners looking for a specific residential, home-like setting that offers a safe, social and affordable option.”   Continue reading Algonquin College and SpacesShared create new homesharing option for students

Innovation meets education at Algonquin College applied research showcase

OTTAWA (July 25, 2024) – Algonquin College’s Applied Research Student Project Showcase highlights leading-edge applied research done in collaboration with industry, institutional and community partners, providing a glimpse into the future of technology and the current state of innovation.

More than 50 student-driven applied research projects will be exhibited, ranging in topics from computer programming, interactive media design, robotics, automation, engineering, interdisciplinary studies in human-centred design and more. The showcase provides an opportunity for employers to engage with talent and pursue collaborative opportunities to support their businesses’ growth and impact. 

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