Coronavirus Update – Fall Term

Dear Learners:

I have some information I would like to share regarding Algonquin College’s Fall Academic Framework.

To begin with, I am incredibly proud of everything our College community has accomplished together so far during COVID-19 – rapidly adapting our programs, courses, teaching approaches, and learning styles to make remote learning a success. It has not been easy, and I commend everyone for embracing this unprecedented transformation.

That good work will be vital as we look forward. To that end, the following Academic Framework will provide us with the focus and flexibility to develop a detailed fall plan in the coming weeks.

The most likely scenario, based on current provincial planning, is a restricted face-to-face model. This would involve a mixture of remote and face-to-face learning.

Five guiding principles will help shape the Fall Term. To begin with, employee and student health and safety will be of utmost importance in all that we do. We must also continue to provide an excellent learner experience: this includes a commitment to completion of prior terms and a commitment to graduating students in a timely way. Finally, the economic viability of program offerings must also be considered.

It is crucial that we continue to follow the guidance of Public Health officials. While the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly changing, our plans for the Fall Term will be driven by a number of assumptions. First and foremost, that a return to the College by employees and face-to-face instruction will be done in a phased manner. Secondly, the College will follow Provincial guidelines for the reopening of businesses. We will not have all employees and students back at once. A small number of students may be invited to return to campus to complete Winter Term and Spring Term learning activities in August. Any learning activity that can be adapted to remote delivery will be delivered remotely for the Fall Term. Employees that need to prepare physical spaces for the Fall Term could begin to return sometime mid-August, while learners that have approved face-to-face learning activities for the Fall Term could begin returning in September. Other assumptions include:

Learning Spaces

• Classroom/lab loading and configuration may need to be modified to support physical distancing, though any potential changes will be made within budgetary constraints;

• The College will follow Public Health guidance and internal direction on physical barriers required to maintain physical distance in service desks, maximum population in a facility, and Personal Protective Equipment required for specific activities etc.


• The quality of the learning experience is a primary factor in decisions on program delivery.

Our assumptions will evolve over time and our Fall Term plans will need to be adaptable. While a Restricted Face-to-Face scenario is the most probable, we will also create plans for a potential New Normal return (with adaptations to how campus life is conducted) and a No Face-to-Face scenario – which is still a possibility.

Deans have begun working with their Academic Chairs – and their respective program teams – to make program-level plans.

Our goal is to have a comprehensive plan ready to share by the end of May. I know many of our fall learners are anxious to see these details, but please be patient as our Academic team engages in this complex process. Please note that the Fall Term will begins on September 8; our complete academic calendar is available here.

COVID-19 has truly proven that we are all lifelong learners. As a collective community, I know we will continue innovating, learning from each other, discovering new approaches and best practices – and transforming hopes and dreams into lifelong success.

Sincerely, Christopher Janzen Senior Vice President Academic Algonquin College


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