Message from the President – April 09

Message from the PresidentDear Colleagues and Learners,

I have a few updates to pass along but before I do, I also want to remind you that all of our most important updates can be found on our coronavirus webpage at — this site will provide all the information you need in an easy-to-navigate format, whether you are an employee or a learner.

On Tuesday afternoon, our learners received an update from Duane McNair, Vice President of Finance and Administration, regarding fees and refunds. As he noted, Algonquin College must comply with directives established by the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The College assembled a working group to ensure student fees are aligned with the programs and services being delivered during this exceptional time. There is no one size that fits all — each student’s situation regarding fees and refunds is unique, depending on their term and program of study. Detailed information related to tuition and fees can be found online here. I absolutely understand and recognize that many of our learners and their families are facing financial challenges at this difficult time, and this is also recognized by our governments. This is why they have announced a number of interim measures and programs that continue to be refined, in order to assist as many people as possible who have been affected by this COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, if you are in need of emergency student funding, I encourage you to reach out to to find out if we can assist you.

Learners also heard recently from Chris Janzen, Senior Vice President, Academic, regarding an option for final grades for the 2020 Winter term. Learners may now choose to retain a traditional letter grade (A-F) earned for their course, or, if they passed their course they may now instead choose to receive a grade of Aegrotat (AG). As noted, Aegrotat standing does not carry a grade point value and is not included in the calculation of the GPA but is credited toward program requirements. In this way, it is very similar to a “Pass” grade.

There are many things for students to consider when thinking about this choice — I would encourage those with questions to review the details in Dr. Janzen’s letter or speak with their faculty member or academic advisor for more guidance.

Each of us faces different circumstances right now, something our Leadership Team keeps in mind as decisions are made. In that sense, I want to acknowledge our many learners who were studying online long before the situation in which we now find ourselves. It would be easy to assume that nothing has changed for these learners, but I assure you that it has. Just like all of us, they too are facing new realities, from the absence of childcare to unexpected financial constraints. I received a heartfelt letter from one such learner whose life has been impacted in ways that have created significant and unexpected hardship — being in the online space already provided no protection from this upheaval. My sincere thanks to this learner for the reminder that no one group has been exempt from change.

While we all face different circumstances, I hope our common ground — our shared values — can continue to unite our College in these difficult times. I want to thank you all for your continued efforts to help one another, support one another, and to lift each other’s spirits.

Spring is always a time of renewal, and as we head into the long weekend, I hope you will be able to take the extra time for personal renewal with your loved ones, even if you do so through virtual means. For those marking Easter or Passover, I wish you peace and joy in your celebrations. No matter your faith, I wish you continued resolve to face our current challenges, and renewed hope that we will not only overcome these challenges, but become stronger because of them.


Claude Brulé

President and CEO


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