Message from the President – April 03

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

I have a number of updates to share with you. As always, information is changing on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, but we are trying to make sure that we are providing regular communication for you to highlight the things you need to know.

I realize many of you have concerns about what the future is going to look like for your work and studies at Algonquin College. I want to assure you that our teams are looking to the future, to the end of our Winter Term, to our Spring Term and beyond, while also trying to help you deal with issues that are affecting your lives right now. This includes an examination of refunds in several areas. For example, as announced earlier in the week, Parking Services is working on partial refunds to the parking permit program for all annual permit holders. Discussions and review of other areas are still underway; more detailed information will be announced early next week.

I was touched that, in response to that announcement, many of our employees asked what they could do to help, and several individuals wondered if they could redirect their parking refunds to support our students. Thank you for your generous spirit. In response to this outreach, I invite those who are able, to support the Algonquin College Emergency Student Aid Fund. The COVID-19 pandemic is placing a significant financial burden on our students, and the College has already seen an increase in the number of applications for support. Those wishing to make a donation to the student emergency fund can do so online at:

There was also news this week that Québec decided to establish checkpoints along the Ontario border, which has some relevance for our campuses. This is part of a wider effort to further slow the spread of the virus by limiting movement in a number of regions within Québec. If this presents an issue for you, personally, please contact your supervisor to let them know.

I also want to make sure that everyone knows that our Ottawa Campus Health Services will be changing its hours as of Monday, April 6, 2020. Due to diminished demand, it will now be open from 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays.

Finally, you may have heard our Prime Minister mention yesterday that we are witnessing the greatest civic mobilization since the Second World War. I am proud that our College is contributing to that effort, through our personal protective equipment donations and loans of life-saving ventilators to local health-care providers, to free online courses through our Corporate Training Centre, to a new initiative involving the 3D printers in our DARE District MakerSpace. I will share more details about the latter next week, but I want to thank all of you for your hard work and many contributions to our community.

The Prime Minister and our Premier have also mentioned that the most important thing we can do for our country is to stay home. This cannot be emphasized enough. And while we may be physically distant from our colleagues, I have heard about so many unique ways that you are all staying connected, from introducing your children on Zoom calls to holding virtual coffee breaks. I am reassured that so many of you are finding ways to strengthen our collective bond despite these challenging times.

We will be launching more virtual events like student talking circles and an employee Town Hall as a way for our community to stay connected to one another. Stay tuned for more details in the coming days and weeks.

I understand how very difficult this is for everyone. I know that many of you are struggling in different ways — emotionally, physically and financially. You are undoubtedly tired and worried, but I want you to know that you are not alone. The College is here to support you. If you need help, assistance is only a phone call or an online click away. Simply go to our information website, and click on the Resources tab to find the appropriate contacts and tools for employees and students. Please also know that I welcome your thoughts and feedback at any time.

Once again, please use this weekend to rest and virtually reconnect with family and friends so that we can come together next week, recharged and ready to continue supporting our learners, one another, and our community. Stay safe and positive.


Claude Brulé

President and CEO


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