Water disruption at Ottawa Campus: Update

Update: 1:53 P.M., Nov. 29, 2019

Facilities Management has lifted the boil-water advisory for occupants of the Residence, G, P and S Buildings. Water samples were tested in a lab and have come back clear. The water supply is safe and occupants can proceed with normal consumption purposes – including drinking, making juice, ice and infant formula, as well as for use in food preparation.

The initial boil-water advisory was issued as a result of Wednesday’s water main break and the subsequent repairs.

We regret any inconvenience this incident imposed on our College community, especially the learners and employees living and working in the affected buildings. Again, we appreciate the generous and continued patience exhibited by everyone.

Update: 3:42 P.M., Nov. 28, 2019

Facilities Management has issued a precautionary boil-water advisory for occupants of the Residence, G, P and S Buildings as a result of Wednesday’s water main break and the subsequent repairs. The advisory is in effect until further notice.

Water samples have been taken and are being tested at a lab. Facilities Management anticipates results of these tests by mid-day Friday, Nov. 29. Once we have determined that the water supply is safe, we will lift the advisory.

Until then, water users in the affected areas are asked to bring their water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before using it for all consumption purposes, including drinking, making juice, ice and infant formula, as well as for use in food preparation.

After boiling, the water should be left to cool before being used, or it should be placed in clean containers to cool in the refrigerator. Boiled water should be used when brushing teeth. Boiled water should also be used to rinse dishes after washing. Other non-consumption uses, such as showering, are safe.

If you are unable to boil water, you should consume only bottled water.

We regret any inconvenience this imposes on our College community, especially the learners and employees living and working in the affected buildings. We appreciate the generous and continued patience exhibited by everyone.

Update: 7:08 A.M.

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

As you know, shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday we received word that a water main had broken near our College Residence. Water to the Residence was shut off and residents of the building were notified immediately.

A short time later, water systems in additional buildings were shut down as crews began to work on the problem. Crews worked well into the night and water has now been restored to all buildings at the Ottawa Campus. All regular activity will continue as scheduled. We would like to thank all those who went above and beyond last night to help us resolve the issue.

Facilities Management has issued a precautionary Boil Water Advisory for occupants of the Residence, G, P and S Buildings as a result of the break and repairs. The advisory is in effect until further notice.

Water will be discoloured initially, and water users in the affected area are asked to bring their water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before using it for all consumption purposes, including drinking, making juice, ice and infant formula, as well as for use in food preparation.

After boiling, the water should be left to cool before being used, or it should be placed in clean containers to cool in the refrigerator. Boiled water should be used when brushing teeth. Boiled water should also be used to rinse dishes after washing. Other non-consumption uses, such as showering, are safe.

If you are unable to boil water, you should consume only bottled water.

This advisory will be lifted once Facilities Management is satisfied that water quality has been restored. At this time, all Food Services are expected to

be open at regular hours this morning.

We apologize for any inconvenience and ask that you watch our social media channels for updates as they are available.


Diane McCutcheon

Vice President, Human Resources

Acting on behalf of President Claude Brulé


Original Messaging Below:

Dear College community,

Shortly after 4 p.m. today, we received word that a water main had broken near our College Residence.

Water to the Residence was shut off and residents of the building were notified immediately.

Crews were dispatched to the scene and determined that, in order to effectively deal with the break, water systems in some buildings also needed to be shut down. We ask that students and employees refrain from using washrooms, taps and water fountains in Residence and in Buildings P, S, and G until further notice. There will be a boil-water advisory in place for these buildings when water is restored.

At this time, we hope to restore water to the entire campus before midnight, but there is a possibility that systems will be shut down overnight.

All classes will be held as scheduled this evening and tomorrow, but some services across the College, particularly Food Services locations, may be closed or limited until water is fully restored.

Please watch the College’s social media channels for further updates.

We apologize for any inconvenience this disruption has caused.



Diane McCutcheon

Vice President, Human Resources

Acting for President Claude Brulé


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