AC’s SLiDE program receives NSERC grant

Algonquin College announced Monday morning that it was the recipient of funding through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) College and Community Social Innovation Fund (CCSIF).

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, announced investments to support several partnerships that address challenges affecting all Canadians, locally and nationally. One of the partnerships acknowledged with a grant was Algonquin College’s SLiDE program, which will receive a total of $239,795.

SLiDE, which stands for Service Learning in Design and Engineering, is part of the College’s new social innovation lab and will expose teams of students in design and engineering disciplines to community-based social-sector entities (non-profits, charities and social enterprise). The students assist these social-sector clients in adopting the use of digital technologies in their respective missions.

“We are very proud of the SLiDE program and this grant will help our faculty and learners move forward with this very worthy initiative,” said Algonquin College President Cheryl Jensen. “We stress the importance of giving back to the community to all our learners. SLiDE takes this to a new level by connecting our students with the greater community to help solve real-world problems with skills that they’re learning right here at Algonquin.”

The SLiDE Program partners include IBM Canada – Centre for Advanced Studies, Impact Hub Ottawa, Ottawa Community Foundation, the Centre for Social Enterprise Development and Carleton University. Together the SLiDE team is helping the social sector ideate, develop, test and initiate new digital technology-based solutions to help address social challenges facing the nation.

Learn more about SLiDE, which is located in the DARE District, here.


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