Algonquin College hosts Local Employment Planning Council and community partners to celebrate contributions to local employment The Ottawa Employment Hub pilot extended for second phase

On June 26, Algonquin College brought together more than 80 community partners to thank them for their contributions to the Local Employment Planning Council (LEPC), hosted at the College, over the past year.

The LEPC pilot has been extended for a second phase, running from June 1, 2017 to Sept. 30, 2018.

Cheryl Jensen, President of Algonquin College, noted the College will continue “to work with our community partners on the next phase of actions in support of job-seekers, employers, employment services agencies and, perhaps most importantly, the young people who will be dreaming up new careers and pathways that will challenge us to continually evolve.”

The LEPC pilot, known locally as Ottawa Employment Hub, is one of eight pilots across the province, funded since December 2015 in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario. The LEPC project aims to pilot a network of local intermediaries to improve labour market conditions in local communities through enhanced collection and distribution of local labour market data, and community engagement to drive local approaches in the planning and delivery of employment and training services.

“The support of such a diverse range of community stakeholders has truly inspired Ottawa Employment Hub to continue to harness this collective knowledge and energy during the second phase of the pilot,” said Ingrid Argyle, Ottawa Employment Hub Program Manager. “We look forward to continue working toward both provincial and local mandates through this opportunity afforded us by the Ontario government.”

Over the past year, Ottawa Employment Hub worked in partnership with a more than 150 stakeholders, including local employers, community leaders, service providers, and education and training institutions.

The Ottawa Chamber of Commerce, Ottawa Community Coalition for Literacy, and Employment Ontario Ottawa Network (represented by John Howard Society’s Community Employment Resource Centre) house LEPC staff to help drive these partnerships.

This year saw more than 400 people attend the LEPC’s Building Your Human Capital/Building Connections event in March where Ottawa employers and service providers came together to find out how they could work more closely together to connect Ottawa job seekers and students to jobs and career paths.

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For more information:
Jean-Guy Fréchette
Associate Director
Government and Stakeholder Relations, Algonquin College
Office: 613-727-4723 ext. 6427

About Algonquin College:

The mission of Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology is to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success. Algonquin College, an Ontario public sector community college, does this by offering hands-on, digitally connected, experiential learning in more than 185 programs. Based in the Ottawa Valley, Algonquin College is the largest polytechnic institute in Eastern Ontario.


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