New AC coffee program featured on Ottawa Morning

Coffee Beans

Early birds will want to have caffeine in hand on Friday morning — Algonquin College will be featured in a segment about a proposed new program that’s all about coffee. (And it’s the perfect day to toast with a cup of java since Thursday was National Coffee Day and Saturday will be International Coffee Day.)

The Art of the Barista is a new four-week course expected to start at the College in January. Co-ordinated by AC’s Wes Wilkinson and Michael Bakogeorge, it will feature two weeks of study at the Ottawa campus to learn everything from coffee-brewing techniques to the proper way to foam milk. Then, coffee-loving students will head to Costa Rica for two more weeks of study, this time on a coffee plantation where they’ll learn about agricultural management, coffee varieties, history, and cultural connections with coffee.

Ottawa Morning host Robyn Bresnahan is scheduled to interview Wes Wilkinson and Roberto Dormond, Costa Rica’s Ambassador to Canada, about the new program and the best of coffee this Friday. Listen live at 6:15 a.m. on 91.5 FM.


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