Cheryl makes Ottawa Life magazine’s Top 25 list

Cheryl JensenOttawa Life magazine has put Cheryl on its 2016 list of Top 25 People in the Capital. The magazine called Cheryl “a transformational force” at the college, and credited her with raising the college’s profile in the community.

“A lover of innovation and excellence, Jensen has reached out to governments and other post-secondary institutions in the city, and has developed partnerships with businesses small and large,” the magazine says in its profile.

Cheryl also told the magazine that the people of Ottawa made transition to this city from her hometown of Hamilton an easy one.

“Everything about the city is to me extremely appealing,” the magazine quotes them as saying. “But the fact that I was made to feel at home so quickly has just been an absolutely wonderful experience.”

To read the full profile, click here and go to page 29.


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