Study: More university graduates choosing college to gain hands-on experience

They had the knowledge, and needed the skills and practical experience.

That’s the key finding of a report entitled, “College After University – A Growing Marketing Segment“, a study that examines why some university students chose to attend college after graduation. Statistics provided by Colleges Ontario, which look at Ontario’s public sector college system, indicate 12 per cent of college entrants in 2012-13 had university credentials, and that the number has been growing. So, a group of Algonquin College students decided to look into what was behind this trend.

And these weren’t just any students studying the issue – they have just a bit of first hand knowledge in the subject. The group studying this issue was made up of Algonquin College graduate students, each holding a university degree, who were enrolled in the Marketing Research and Business Intelligence (MRBI) graduate certificate program.

After surveying 1,200 current or interested Algonquin College students, here are some of the team’s key findings:

  • 63 per cent of university graduates attending college said they were concerned with their job prospects, whereas 44 percent of college students were concerned
  • 47 per cent of university graduates said employment opportunities had a bigger influence on their decision to apply to college, while 29 per cent of college students said the same
  • 32 per cent of university graduates are looking for business-related fields to make the connection between their discipline-specific university knowledge and a workplace opportunity
  • 50 per cent of students are looking for work experience from their time at college

Read the full article here.


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