Perth Students Donate $1,700 to Local Mental Health Organization

Mental health initiatives in Lanark County, ON, received a boost on June 25, 2015, when Office Administration—Executive (OAE) students from the Algonquin College, Perth Campus presented a cheque for $1,712.75 to Lanark County Mental Health. The donation follows a Mental Health Awareness Luncheon that the OAE class held in April.

“The class chose Lanark County Mental Health as the charity that we would support with our event because they deal with all mental illnesses,” explained Darrien Penfold, OAE student. “Lanark County Mental Health offers more than one way to provide therapy for those in need.”

“This year’s Office Administration students were focused on their goal to reach out, raise awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health,” Monique Cochrane, Program Coordinator, said. “The generous support the Office Administration students received from the Perth community and students from across the campus was tremendous—from donated items for auction to entertainment to a delicious lunch— and greatly appreciated. It proves that great things can happen when a community comes together in support of a worthwhile cause.”

Registered Nurse Morley Armstrong accepted the donation on behalf of Lanark County Mental Health. “We really appreciate” this donation he said, noting that the organization has many initiatives that can benefit from the funds. Having attended the luncheon in April, Armstrong said that he was impressed by the students’ commitment to providing knowledgeable and factual information about mental health, and the care they gave to every detail of the fundraiser.

In addition to the satisfaction of knowing that they have contributed to mental health programs in their community, the OAE students also walk away from this event with newfound skills and experiences that they can add to their résumés. Penfold, for instance, discovered a “rewarding” new talent for public speaking when she took the mike as the event’s emcee.

“Each year, OAE students plan an event during their second semester. These events provide students with an opportunity to take their skills from the classroom into the community for relevant, hands-on learning,” Cochrane said. “As they collaborate to bring their plans to fruition, students are encouraged to display innovation, leadership, problem solving and other soft skills that are essential in the workplace. This year’s event provided students with an experience in managing a project. They faced real challenges, real risks and real issues in realizing their project goals. I am very proud of the students’ achievements and contribution in pursuit of building a stronger community.”

Lanark County Mental Health delivers services to support the wellbeing of Lanark County residents 17-65 years of age who have mental health concerns. Services include help finding temporary living arrangements and transportation, consultations with psychiatrists and counsellors, and therapy. The organization also assists the families of individuals who are affected by mental health concerns. More information can be found at

The OAE program at the Algonquin College, Perth Campus is an Ontario College Diploma program that is offered in an accelerated format over 45 weeks. This accelerated format means that students are able to complete their studies and enter the workforce in less than a year. Visit to learn more about this and other programs that the Algonquin College, Perth Campus offers.


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