Seeking candidates for Algonquin College Board of Governors

The Algonquin College Board of Governors welcomes candidates interested in joining the Board. The Board of Governors is comprised of seventeen individuals: 12 external Governors who reflect and represent the stakeholders of the local community served by the College, four internal Governors representing Students, Faculty, Support Staff and Administrative Staff, and the President of the College.

Each board of governor of an Ontario college of applied arts and technology is responsible for the governance of the college. To that end, a governor is accountable to the students, employers, and communities the college serves and for ensuring that it is effectively and appropriately managed to achieve its established mandate and to provide needed programs and services to students and other stakeholders.

How to apply

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About Algonquin College

Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology is located in the Nation’s Capital and the Ottawa Valley. Algonquin College is one of the largest colleges in Ontario. Our vision is to be a global leader in digitally-connected applied education and training. Algonquin College has a diverse population of 20,000 full-time students and more than 36,000 part-time registrations in more than 180 programs. Our mission is to transform hopes and dreams into skills and knowledge, leading to lifelong career success.


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