Opportunities Growing for Algonquin College Students on Windmill Development Group Project

MOU re-sign

Morning event serves as update for multiple projects underway or starting soon on the former Domtar lands in downtown Ottawa.

(Ottawa, December 4, 2014) It’s not every day students get to contribute to the development and construction of Canada’s most sustainable mixed-use community. But as Windmill Development Group and Algonquin College come together to re-sign the MOU originally signed in March 2014, the opportunities for students are growing and taking shape.

“Hands-on projects with real-world applications give our students the skills, knowledge, and experience they expect from an Algonquin College education,” says Cheryl Jensen, President of Algonquin College. “We are so pleased to be able to connect our students and employees with Windmill Development Group on this ground-breaking project. Years from now, we will be able to look at this environmental showpiece and say, ‘Algonquin College students helped make it happen’.”

As the College and Windmill work together to transform 37 acres of land into a world-class, sustainable waterfront community near the Chaudière Bridge overlooking Parliament Hill, students from Architectural Technology, Green Architecture, Horticultural Industries, Water and Waste Water Technician, and Applied Museum Studies (just to name a few) will have a variety of projects to contribute.

“This is one of the most important projects in our City’s history, and Algonquin College and its students are honoured to be part of it,” says Richard Briginshaw, program coordinator of the Green Architecture program at Algonquin College, and Co-Chair of the Algonquin College on the Isles committee. “We strongly believe our students will play a critical role in the development of Windmill’s vision.”

Architectural Technology students have completed their site analysis and have begun preliminary design work for 10 sustainable building design projects culminating as their third year project. Environmental Management and Assessment students will be sampling and conducting their own soil and ground water research, while also analyzing past reports. Finally, Applied Museum Studies students will be completing an integrated framework and an integrated master plan of the site. Some of the upcoming opportunities for student involvement include the development of multimedia materials, the restoration of stonework, and market research.

For more information on the AC on the Isles Project and the partnership between Algonquin College and Windmill, please visit www.algonquincollege.com/isles.


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