Graham Bird on the importance of getting involved and giving back

The roots of the Bird family run several generations deep in the Ottawa area. Graham Bird has taken that family legacy as an obligation toheadshot of Graham Bird keep making Ottawa better for future generations. As president and CEO of GBA Group, Bird often says that helping to build Ottawa is a great privilege – to imagine what could be, to work with visionary partners and to achieve that vision together. This aligns with the vision of Algonquin College and the School of Business and Hospitality.

Bird’s work at GBA Group included involvement in several large redevelopments in the Ottawa area and beyond. A few notable projects include the Lansdowne Revitalization Project, World Exchange Plaza, the Shaw Centre, and the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. Currently, GBA Group is engaged in the major New Campus Development of The Ottawa Hospital, a multi-year project comprised of several progressive infrastructure developments.

With more than 35 years of experience in the development and project business, Graham managed a wide variety of multidisciplinary projects and related activities for both the public and private sectors.

On his leadership style, Bird describes the importance of teamwork: “Success is a team sport. I’ve been more successful by finding the best of the best, incorporating them into the team, then clearly defining the road ahead and letting the team member do what they are good at. I think success in our company and in our projects has been because of teamwork and commitment.”

Bird credits extracurricular involvement for aiding in his success and connecting him to a broad spectrum of people to be inspired by and seek insight from. “Growing up, I loved all sports, enjoyed being involved in theatre, building & fixing things, my interests and curiosities varied widely.”

In addition to his impressive career accomplishments, Bird has always been extremely passionate about strengthening the community. He believes that true success is not just measured by personal achievements, but by the positive impact we make on the lives of those around us. He has been an avid volunteer with more than a dozen organizations over the years. At the onset of his career, Bird was elected as a City Councillor for the City of Ottawa and Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, a position that established his professional ethos as a civic minded person. Among other roles, Graham has been the Chair of Ottawa Board of Trade, on the Board of the Ottawa Heart Institute and Operation Come Home. As a testament to his volunteer work, Bird received the Order of Ottawa award from the City of Ottawa in 2018 and the Sovreign’s Medal for Volunteers by Governor General David Johnston in 2016.

“I was lucky to be born here in Ottawa, and blessed with a great family, great parents and great friends. Travelling across the country and around the world built my belief that we can make the city stronger. Life, sports, business, and politics allowed me to meet others in the community and gain more inspiration for this place,” Bird said.

Bird encourages new graduates to roll up their sleeves and get involved in the community: “The more you get involved and help out, the more you do, the better off your life will be, the more fun you’ll have,” adding that “wasting a day is a real nuisance and loss.”


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