Algonquin College announces TD Bank Group as newest DARE6 partner






(OTTAWA — Nov. 30, 2022) – Algonquin College is pleased to announce that TD Bank Group (TD) has become its newest DARE6 partner, opening the door to a wide range of opportunities to engage, share unique experiences and build stronger relationships with like-minded, prominent community builders.

The DARE6 concept is based on a governance model for Indigenous Peoples derived from the Iroquois — or Haudenosaunee — Confederacy dating back a thousand years. The Confederacy, sometimes described as one of the world’s oldest participatory democracies, included the Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, Mohawk and Tuscarora. Occupying what is now upper New York state and southeastern Quebec and Ontario, these six tribes united under the Great Law of Peace.

TD joins PCL Constructors Canada in this select partnership group. DARE6 partners become part of the fabric of the College and engage on many levels. Benefits include on-site tours, traditional knowledge delivery, professional development, participation in campus events and select, exclusive promotional opportunities.

“We are thrilled and proud to announce TD is joining our growing DARE6 family as a partner. I know we both share a deep commitment to acknowledging the enormous benefits derived from opening our hearts and minds to Indigenous Peoples, and participating in the national Truth and Reconciliation call to action,” said Claude Brulé, Algonquin College President and CEO.

“DARE6 presents a unique opportunity for TD to be part of meaningful action in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action,” says Doris Bear, Vice President, Indigenous Banking, TD. “We all have much to learn and more to do, together. We look forward to working in collaboration with Elders from the Indigenous community, students and community members, alongside Algonquin College and other DARE6 partners to be part of a journey that increases awareness of the culture, history, teachings and values of Indigenous Peoples.”

DARE6 is also inspired by Algonquin’s state-of-the-art DARE District, which includes five distinct areas for engagement:

  • Nawapon: ‘Gathering for the Journey’ the Indigenous Learning Commons is the heart of the Ottawa campus.
  • Ishkodewan: ‘There is Fire’ the spectacular Indigenous Gathering Circle and outdoor classroom.
  • Pìdàban: ‘Past, Present and Future,’ the new Institute of Indigenization.
  • The Lodge: A multi-functional space dedicated to Truth and Reconciliation.
  • Kejeyadizidjigwogamig: ‘Knowledge Keeper’s Place’ located in the Library.

An official welcome of TD as a DARE6 partner is being planned in the new year.

Those seeking information on the DARE6 initiative can contact Jeff Turner, Senior Manager, Indigenous Partnerships and Special Projects, via email at or by phone at 613-727-4723, ext. 6535.

For media inquiries:

Bruce Hickey
Communications Manager
Algonquin College


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