Algonquin College Marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day

To commemorate the millions of lives lost during the Holocaust, Algonquin College is raising awareness for the next generation of leaders. The pedestrian link between the ARC building and the Student Commons will be lit up in yellow on Jan. 27 at 6 p.m.

“Today ​is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, marking the 77th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau ​concentration camp,” said Hillel Ottawa Director Sasha Kathron. “As we move further away from the Holocaust it is frightening to see instances of antisemitism continue to rise. Jews are the most targeted victims of hate crimes in Canada. Now more than ever we must uphold our vow to remember the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust so they may never be forgotten and history may never repeat itself. Education continues to be the most valuable tool we have, it is the key to keeping our promise: Never again.” 

Algonquin College, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa are commemorating the day and raising awareness.  The yellow lights are part of a national campaign, part of the World Jewish Congress’ annual #WeRemember campaign, bringing attention to the victims of the Holocaust, the importance of Holocaust education, and current manifestations of antisemitism.

According to a statement from the World Jewish Congress president Ronald S. Lauder, “It is saddening and disconcerting that 77 years after the end of World War II, roughly 50 per cent of the world does not even know that the Holocaust occurred, or that Jews were targeted for genocide in Europe. We have seen a frightening rise in antisemitism and xenophobia in recent years, a reality that should sound alarm bells regarding the horrific potential consequences of such sentiments and actions.”

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