Survey Results Indicate High Number of Algonquin Graduates Continue Finding Job Success

For Immediate Release

December 8, 2021, Ottawa, Ontario —Provincial Key Performance Indicator (KPI) results released today across the province show that Algonquin College continues to provide its learners with a highly effective path to employment upon graduation and that employers remain very satisfied with their performance.

The results, which were released by Colleges Ontario earlier today, indicate that nearly 80 per cent of Algonquin’s graduates found work within six months of graduation. Graduate and employer feedback placed Algonquin above the provincial average among large Ontario colleges in key indicator categories.

Algonquin’s President and CEO Claude Brulé said the results indicate graduate and employer satisfaction, areas of strength as well as areas where improvements can be made.

“I am pleased that graduates and employers continue to demonstrate an above average level of satisfaction. I am proud that we provide learners with skills that employers are looking for, which translate into a valued, skilled and employable workforce,” said Brulé.

Some of the highlights for Algonquin College include:

  • Graduate Satisfaction: Nearly 80 per cent of graduates were satisfied with the quality of their Algonquin College education.
  • Graduate Employment: Nearly 80 per cent of Algonquin’s most recent graduates found employment within six months of graduation (above the provincial average).
  • Employer Satisfaction: 92 per cent of employers are satisfied with the quality of Algonquin College graduates hired.

Ontario’s public-sector colleges participate annually in the Colleges Ontario KPI survey program. The surveys measure outcomes such as graduate employment rates and graduate satisfaction rates. Employers are also surveyed to measure their satisfaction with the graduates they hire. The results are then analyzed by an independent research company.

You can view the English KPIs here

You can view the French KPIs here


For More Information

Bruce Hickey Sara-Lynne Levine
Acting Communications Manager Communications Officer
Algonquin College Algonquin College
613-513-9935 613986-5437


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