Province Announces $1.5 M in funding to Advance Algonquin’s Manufacturing Training Programs

Jeremy Roberts, MPP for Ottawa West – Nepean, announced today that the Ontario government is investing $1.5 million in a skills training project at Algonquin College to prepare and train 150 people for rewarding careers in manufacturing.

Through the SkillsAdvance Ontario (SAO) program, Algonquin College will work with a number of local employers to address the ongoing labour shortage challenges facing the manufacturing sector in the National Capital Region. This project will support 50 job seekers and 100 incumbent workers, through targeted and customized training and recruitment initiatives, to fill job vacancies with four manufacturers in the region.

“Algonquin College is proud to partner with the Ontario government to support hands-on training opportunities for those seeking jobs in the vital manufacturing sector – and those already working in the industry who are looking for re-training and upskilling. This initiative will contribute to Ontario’s economic recovery and have a beneficial impact on the industry,” said Claude Brulé, Algonquin President and CEO.

SAO is a sector-based workforce development initiative. It supports the development of partnerships that bring together sector-based employers and employment and training providers to ensure a pool of job-ready, skilled workers that meet the workforce development needs of employers. SAO provides jobseekers and incumbent workers with sector-focused employment and training services to support them to obtain and succeed in entry level low and medium-skilled positions, and to advance in higher skilled jobs.


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